Originally Posted By: thedoctor
I don't think anyone who voted against the bill is going to have to explain anything to the voters as it was the voters who told them to not vote for it. Maybe now they'll actually work on a bill that isn't rushed and will actually accomplish something and not just be a band-aid to make their re-elections run smoother. Weren't you pissed at the Patriot Act because it was rushed through Congress and passed before they had a chance to really delve into it and figure it out? Why would you support another bill being done just as hurriedly and have the same possible effects in an economic fashion?

that is a good point and that is why I initially was for the house Republicans slowing it down a bi. Which they did. They gave us an extra week to look at it and amend it greatly. The problem though is that we don't really have a lot of time to try to avert a collapse of the economy. We've already lost one trillion dollars just in one day. I broke it down above.

This is real money to me, you and everyone else. Especially people older than me right now who are watching their savings disappear before their very eyes.