The only real plus I can see right now is that thank goodness a Republican is doing this because if it had fallen to Obama to nationalize the country's banking system, you'd never hear the end of it from conservatives.

"See, I told you they were socialist commies!!" they'd taunt as they'd wag the accusatory finger. That's the kind of good sportsmanship and pulling together I tend to expect from the far right.

So now the Che ney logo actually has a lot of truth to it.

But ultimately this is exactly what Democrats and liberals were saying would happen way back when Bush came into office in 2000. Remember? We said that Bush was a failure, a BIG failure in every enterprise and endeavour he put his mind and effort into and this would be no different, God help us. And sure, you can point fingers the other way and blame others but but honestly, it ended EXACTLY like we said it would. Not that that is cause to celebrate. It isn't. He fucked us all.

And I suspect that we'll ultimately find out that the extent of this economy's slide was suppressed and obfuscated in the hopes that he'd be able to slink out come December before anyone could blame him for a "recession". Now he'll be lucky to leave office before a Depression hits. And I say that knowing that he's supressed bad economic data before. Let's not even get into the exculpatory Iraq intel.