Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: PJP
Some Futurists hold that sometime prior to the expected return of Jesus, there will be a period of "great tribulation"[40] during which the Antichrist (Barack Hussein Obama), indwelt and controlled by Satan, will attempt to win supporters with false peace, supernatural signs. He will silence all that defy him by refusing to "receive his mark" on their right hands or forehead. This "mark" will be required to legally partake in the end-time economic system.[41] Some Futurists believe that the Antichrist will be assassinated half way through the Tribulation, being revived and indwelt by Satan. The Antichrist will continue on for three and a half years following this "deadly wound".[42]


Here's my question to you.

If this were so and you actually believed it, as a Christian, wouldn't this be cause for celebration? That would mean that the rapture is almost upon us and the long wait for Christ's second coming is finally over.

But no, this is what I find so distasteful about every time ANYONE, right or left tries to use the anti-christ tactic is that they try to use it to SCARE people and to try to derail this so called anti-Christ. Which to me sounds like if they have no faith that they themselves are "saved". If Barack Obama is the anti-Christ, then that IMO would be MORE incentive for Christians to vote FOR him rather than to try to actively stop God's plan.

Or in other words, you right wingers sure are getting desperate..
Hitler anyone?