So Obama won again and almost unanimously, everyone says that McCain FAILED to revive his sagging fortunes. All he managed to do was make himself look angry and rambling. he was like an old Model T attack machine, rambling incoherent right wing attacks, most of the time completely out of the context of the subject at hand, they'd come unexpectedly and jarringly, like if the rickety attack machine backfired or something.

Even the fOX news focus group called it for Obama. Of course FOX didn't release the actual numbers,but the real news outlets did:

From The New Republic. Look at the favorability ratings - they HATED McCain. Obama's favorability went from 42 before the debate to 72 after. McCain dropped from 54 before to 50 after. But then look at the unfavorable rating. Obama's unfavorables dropped from 42 to 22. McCain's, however, rose from 34 to 48. And, this was a focus grouped that was undecided, but started out leaning towards Mccain.

Stan Greenberg briefed reporters on his focus group of undecided voters in Colorado. He said the respondents felt Obama "won" and that the results were "more decisive than either of the last two." That's a reference to Greenberg's previous focus groups, which also came away preferring Obama.

The most striking result came on the favorability ratings. Although the focus group was officially undecided, it leaned towards McCain. Here were the favorability-unfavorability ratings for each candidate at the start:

McCain: 54 favorable / 34 unfavorable

Obama: 42 favorable / 42 unfavorable

Here's what the ratings looked like after the debate:

McCain: 50 favorable / 48 unfavorable

Obama: 72 favorable / 22 unfavorable

CNN Poll: Obama wins debate, 58-31

CBS Poll: Obama wins debate 53-22
Holy cow!!!!

Fifty-three percent of the uncommitted voters surveyed identified Democratic nominee Barack Obama as the winner of tonight's debate. Twenty-two percent said Republican rival John McCain won. Twenty-four percent saw the debate as a draw.

ABC News (George Stephanopoulos) McCain’s Best Debate, But Obama Still Won: During a fast-paced, spirited, and sometimes heated debate, McCain had his best debate, but Obama still won. WINNER: Obama.
STRATEGY: Obama: A McCain: A
STYLE: Obama: A McCain: A-
ACCURACY: Obama: B McCain: B

and here is the nights most damaging part for McCain:

TIME (Jim Poniewozik) Women Don’t Like It: Dial group report 2: Um, Sen. McCain, women don't like it when you put "health of the mother" in air quotes.

The LA Times concurs:

In a race in which millions of dollars have been spent for the votes of American women, McCain managed in a two-question segment to mock laws protecting a woman's right to sue for being paid less than a man, and the notion that late-term abortions should be allowed in cases where a mother's health is threatened.

"That's the extreme pro-abortion position -- quote, health," McCain said.

Early instant polls of voters gave the night to Obama.

the entire point of Sarah Palin was supposedly to get all those uncommitted Hillary voters. McCain there, tactical genius that he is, managed in 2 casual derisive swoops, to make launching a stupid crude right wing attack against Obama into a self inflicting wound that is going to cost him dearly among those women he thought Palin was going to attract.

Now to be fair to G-Man, who i'm sure is going to launch is usual tired attacks against the media and declare that McCain is there to save us all from high taxes (since we're ALL millionaires apparently), here's a poll that McCain actually won:

CNN POLL: Who spent more time attacking during the debate?

McCain – 80%
Obama – 7%


then McCain, tactical genius that he is, made his final impression on the American public:

Yes, this is the man who has the temperament and maturity to be President. Of course after that bit of stupidity, Obama joined his wife and they both exited the stage, McCain refused to hold his wife and then jumped ahead and left his wife behind to walk off herself. I found that a bit odd a way to cap off the evening...

 Originally Posted By: G-Man

 Originally Posted By: bsams