It's predictable and sad that the only tactics you guys on the right have is terrorism. Always trying to terrorize Americans into capitulating to your demands to rule America as you all think is your god given right.

Republican former Mass. governor endorses Obama
By Holly Ramer
Associated Press Writer / October 24, 2008

CONCORD, N.H.—Former Massachusetts Gov. William Weld, a Republican, endorsed Democrat Barack Obama for president on Friday, citing the senator's good judgment, "deep sense of calm" and "first-class political temperament."

Weld said he's never endorsed a Democrat for president before, but in the last six weeks or so, it became "close to a no-brainer." Obama has a history of bringing Democrats, Republicans and independents together and is the best choice at a time when America's standing in the world is at a low point, he said.

"It's not often you get a guy with his combination of qualities, chief among which I would say is the deep sense of calm he displays, and I think that's a product of his equally deep intelligence," he said in a phone interview.

He insisted his endorsement was based on an assessment of Obama's strengths, not Republican John McCain's weaknesses.

"John McCain is a very good guy," he said. "I do think the Republican Party has been playing on an increasingly small field in the last couple of elections."

Weld joined other prominent Republicans endorsing Obama over McCain in the campaign's final weeks, including former Secretary of State Colin Powell, former Minnesota Gov. Arne Carlson and Scott McClellan, former press secretary to President Bush.

Weld announced his support at a news conference at Obama's campaign office in Salem. Last year, he came to New Hampshire to campaign for another former Massachusetts governor, Republican Mitt Romney, who ended his bid for the presidential nomination in February.

Weld was governor of Massachusetts from 1991 to 1997. Before that, he was U.S. attorney for Massachusetts under President Reagan and later led the criminal division of the U.S. Justice Department.

Narrow field. Is one way of saying it. Playing to an extremist right wing base to the detriment of everyone else is the best way to phrase it.Which is the same thing Powell said. It's amazing eh? Just how many moderate Republicans are endorsing in your words "a terrorist". Especially Colin Powell. Tell me exactly how Al qaeda recruited him, ok? Was William Ayers or ACORN involved? \:lol\: