Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
sometimes I'm astounded that the democrat party hasn't collapsed under the weight of its own internal tension. they're expecting that jews and muslims, blacks and hispanics (at least the ones who will actually vote for them) will not only get along with each other but also with all the feminists, gays, and hippies.

And this is why you guys are so far behind. This is exactly how you guys view America. Everyone needs to be at each others throats and divided. Obama's message since he emerged on the national stage 4 years ago has been one of unity and common purpouse, not of this division that you speak of and the gOp exploits election after election.

kool-aid man's empty rhetoric aside, I've seen enough of each of these people groups with my own eyes to know that policy can't be made to dictate reality. and away from the carefully-edited rose-colored (pinko-colored?) world the lefty media would love for you to buy into, my own eyes tell me that no matter who gets into the white house, those groups and plenty of other groups are still gonna be at odds for a long time to come. face it - you can't legislate human nature. far behind? in the words of my (still dead) friend heath, 'I'm just ahead of the curve!'

You've "seen"?? What's the matter, actual interaction with "these groups" too scary for you?

STFU with your 'observations' from afar. Ever look into a McCain crowd as opposed to an Obama crowd? Or a RNC crowd as opposed to a DNC one. The differences are pretty stark. Obama and DNC crowds look like America. McCain and RNC crowds look like a suburban Rhode Island Presbyterian congregation.

Where exactly do you live anyways? you know I live in l.A. which next to New York is probably the most multicultural city on the face of the Earth. So we here don't make bullshit divisive observations from a safe distance. We live multiculturalism and diversity every single day. It's amazing how fearful you right wingers are of the changing nation and how you still cling o the divide and conquer philosophy which pretty much most people have rejected in embracing Obama.