Originally Posted By: whomod

Fuck you. I go where i want.

Which is my point, you think you're in Mexican territory. And since it's sponsored by America, you feel you're having your cake and eating it to; living in Mexico without having to endure its social destructiveness.

And you are NO ONE to tell me anything.

Anyone can tell you the truth. Of course, that doesn't mean you're smart enough to listen to it.

As for this country belongs to Mexico" I don't believe that so I'm pretty sure I didn't say that. I do however believe that people of Mexican origin were here first and therefore have more claim to live and remain in the southwest than anglo Saxons who only just recently inhabited, ethnically cleansed and then tried to act as if this land was theirs all along.

The fact that people of Mexican origin are returning to land that they've inhabited for hundreds if not thousands of years shouldn't be surprising. You're just trying to conflate people with Governments in order to get me to say I think Mexico (the Government and country) OWNS the southwest..

Exactly. As a person of Mexican descent, you feel this land belongs to you and that Americans have no right to do what they want with it even though it was obtained from Mexico more than a century ago. Because of this, you feel justified in your separatist notions.

BTW: You left out the Asians, the blacks, the mid-Eastern immigrants, etc. living here. 'Not just "Anglos" Whomod.

Not to mention you left out the fact that the Mexicans slaughtered and enslaved Native Americans. Also, one has to wonder whether or not you're descended from Spaniards. By your own logic, that would put you in the same category of those Anglos you hate so much.