Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
she likely will, but Joe The Plumber doesn't get the privacy Obama's campaign ripped from him back.

Obama's campaign didn't do anything to this guy. Why are you jumping to such extreme conclusions?

 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
 Originally Posted By: Lucius Prometheus Vorenus
And she should be fired, no doubt. She was wrong to do what she did...

Promod's throwing her under the bus. Obama would be proud.

Jeezus you've gone around the bend, G-Man. You really have. If we disagree (which is 99% of the time) you freak out, and rant, and make up nicknames for me, and try to find ways to personally insult me...whatever. But, if we happen to agree on anything, you still do your best to try and insult or belittle me. Do I threaten you that much? Is your life that miserable? Are you that insecure?