Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: PJP
Bush was not a perfect President and Barack won't be a perfect President if he wins. No one could be. But you guys blasted his every move never once giving him the benefit of the doubt.

He is a shitty president who squandered away so much IMHO but I sincerely doubt the McCain supporters on this board will be any more respectful if Obama wins & does a better job than W. Or would you?
If Obama wins he is my President and I will pray every day he does right by the country. I'm not saying I won't criticize him but I won't hate him the way some libs hated Bush.

This is all Gore's fault really. He should never have challenged an election he lost fair and square. And as for Bush he made mistakes I have said that many times.....but he also suffered the worst terrorist attack ever the worst natural disaster ever and now the worst financial crisis in modern times ever.......NONE of them were his fault but he was forced to clean up the mess.

That fucking scum dem governor in Louisiana knew those levees were shit for years and never did anything....where was the uproar for that? Yeah Bush fucked up the FEMA response but maybe the black people should have voted for him(kidding!).