Running on Karma.
Watch it here, in low quality motherfucker.

The film's about an ex-monk who can see people's karma along with his or her past life, and a perky young CID agent who was a sadistic japanese soldier in her past life.

It starts out as a typical HK commercial flick, with cute popstar leads, fight scenes from people who are obviously not martial artists and run of the mill rom-com antics, with the obligatory scene hinting that everything will be alright and they may just get away with a moral lesson and another poppy love song..

Then it gets weird as the film seems to shift to a darker, depressing, and confusing tone. It has one of those crappy endings that you need to interpret on your own (basically, it doesn't make much sense).

The movie is really worthless if you just want a good plot and a moral lesson, but the shift in tone and mood is interesting, with the bubblegum romance aura of the film's beginning contrasting greatly with the gory, violent ending. Spoiler alert: there is a happy ending but the lead female ends up beaten to death in front of a videocamera, her head bashed in with a huge boulder, then cut off and hung on a tree. It was shown in one of those blairwitch-type camera shots, which makes things look disturbing.