Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
He's 28, so he's in or near is prime

sure, we've had years of steroids to alter the stats, but... it just seems like pitchers are able to last much longer than they used to. many of the game's big names are deep into their 30s

 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
With the Brewers he agreed to go on 3 days rest down the stretch which in a free agent year taking on this additional risk for the good of the team is something in this day and age.

i admire that level of work ethic in a regular year, but knowing how much more prone to exhaustion or injury that'd make you in a free agent year is really something.

...er... something good.

exactly, he had a poor start to the year and if he exhausted himself and finished poorly it could have effected his market value, as some may have saw the middle of the season as a apparition. or worse he could have got hurt and lost out entirely.