Pelosi Hints Obama Will Get His $350 Billion TARP Request
Senate Vote Is Expected to Come as Soon as Thursday
Jan. 14, 2009

Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi indicated today that Congress would approve President-elect Barack Obama's request for another $350 billion in bailout funds, because this time it would be spent by "a president who'll enforce the law."
(ABC News/Getty Images)Pelosi did not, however, come right out and say that Congress would approve Obama's request for the money, and the vote is expected to be close.

The congressional head count on the vote's prospects are so close that Obama made a personal lobbying trip to Capitol Hill Tuesday, where he issued his first veto threat, before he even takes the Oath of Office.

The force of that threat will be tested as early as Thursday when the Senate is expected to vote on the money. Democrats believe they have a slim margin for approval in the Senate, while the House may reject the request.

To block Obama's request, both the House and Senate must vote to withhold the money. If they force an Obama veto, Congress would need a two-thirds majority vote to prevent him from spending it.


Fair play!