Originally Posted By: First Amongst Daves
 Originally Posted By: PJP
Bill Maher could be the biggest piece of shit on this earth.

I thought he was too busy trying to promote his own documentary.

Jackman's performance got panned in many newspapers today. "Cruise ship entertainment". Heh. I thought it was old school and good.

As for Penn, I haven't seen Milk, and probably won't. But its like the Pulitzers with Michael Chambon with Cavalier and Clay : write about homosexuality and Jewish issues to a selection committee of homosexuals and Jews and you're going to get a sympathetic audience who relate to the content. The entertainment industry for a variety of reasons attracts gays. No matter how good Milk actually is or is not, a big chunk of the Academy are going to relate to the pro-gay sentiment of the movie.

As for Penn himself, I'm not very familiar with his body of work, other than Dead Man Walking, in which he was utterly brilliant. (only a really good actor could extract from an audience sympathy for an ignorant multiple rapist/murderer. The scene where Penn's character is tied and readied for lethal injection, and he is shaking like a dog through sheer fear of death, is really something to watch. I used to be in favour of the death penalty before I watched that movie.)

But there was one scene from Milk broadcast on the Awards night where Penn is standing and exhorting a crowd. He throws his arms up, smiling, and his wrists are bent out. My gaydar went into alert.

I'm guessing he is a very capable and adaptable actor.

Personally, I'm disappointed that Death Race didn't get a nomination. That girl in it was hawt.
Yeah that was exactly it with Maher....there was no place for that. They couldn't get someone better to present??? I would have been happy with Michael Moore or Al Gore.

I don't like Penn's politics but he is a very good actor. Mystic River is one of my favorite movies.......modern greek tragedy. I'm one of those guys that would have liked Richard Jenkins win. Penn won one already. Pitt will get more chances.