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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hello
Stranger: hi
You: Where are you from?
Stranger: ny you?
You: Pelican Bay
Stranger: weres that
You: It's a prison in California
Stranger: D;
You: I'm allowed 45 minutes of internet a day.
Stranger: why are you in prison?
You: I was intoxicated and had sex with a public statue.
Stranger: wtf looooooooool
It was winter and I froze to it.
Stranger: lying ass lol
You: They had to call an ambulance
Stranger: and why would they send you to prison lmfao
You: I never paid the fine
Stranger: lol u would not
Stranger: how long you have to stay?
You: I'm doing thirty days
You: It was a small statue
Stranger: wow
Stranger: and how old r u lol?l
You: in oregon they charge you with statue rape by size of the victim.
You: I mean California