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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: hiya
You: you like cowboys?
Stranger: no
You: me neither!
Stranger: \o/
You: that is a cheer!
You: I think
Stranger: oh
Stranger: sorry
Stranger: [drinks beer]
You: Can't you see what I'm trying to tell you, I LOVE TYOU!
You: YOU
You: I also love beer
Stranger: OMG *-*
Stranger: i love you too
You: what beer you drinking?
You: I has no beer
You: but I has whiskey
Stranger: i do
Stranger: but u wont know it
You: tell me
Stranger: cause its from brazil
You: you the Brazillian again?
Stranger: dunno
You: prolly not
You: they never wrote anything
Stranger: there are lots of brazilians here i think
Stranger: who are you ?
Stranger: \:\)
Stranger: i mean
Stranger: ur name
You: Im a brazillian!
You: Uschio
Stranger: :o
You: Uschi
Stranger: \o/
You: there's a famous porn star
You: Uschi Delelliiogfoudno[i
You: I forget her last name
You: that is not me
Stranger: humm
You: but I am Uschi
You: she has huge boobs
Stranger: huuh
You: I also have huge boobs
Stranger: nice
Stranger: i dont \:\(
You: you must be jealous
You: of mah melons
Stranger: i think that is cause im a male
You: that's a good reson for no boobies
Stranger: but im not sure
Stranger: x)
You: :D
You: I also have a large penis
You: and a small one
Stranger: =D
Stranger: =O
Stranger: 2 penis ?
You: the big one is in my butt
You: and one left nut
You: it gets bloody when I'm on the rag
You: how many penis YOU have?
Stranger: humm
Stranger: i have only one \:\(
You: I think that is the appropriate number
Stranger: probably
Stranger: well, i think so
You: but I like two
You: or three
You: if the mood is right
Stranger: humm
You: yeah, I give hummers
You: you too then?
You: hard to breathe tho
Stranger: dont know hummers \:\(
Stranger: mean, dont know the meaning
You: I like blowing smaller dick
You: is fellatio
Stranger: why that ?
You: it is easier to get the whole thing in
You: a big one I gag too much
You: need a small one, 6 or 7 inch max!
You: LOL!
Stranger: aw, but the fun thing is beeing hard
Stranger: \:\/
You: you get hard for bees?
You: wot?
You: do they sting you on the peenor?
Stranger: nah,
You: or did you mean Peeing hard?
Stranger: i dont like bees
You: my vagina houses bees
Stranger: Noo..
Stranger: =O
You: if you no like them
You: do not put your penis in there
You: a good suggestion
Stranger: i put some repelent
You: I like how they tickle
Stranger: =O
You: they tickle my vajayjay
Stranger: may hurt
You: no, I has good bees
Stranger: Humm
Stranger: ah
Stranger: so ok
You: they tickle my butthole too!
Stranger: i dont mind
You: you can give tem bee kisses!
Stranger: for sure
You: on my vag
You: kisses to the bees
You: so they do not feel alone
Stranger: do they like honey ?
You: and get sad
You: they love honey!
You: they is bees!
Stranger: yeah
You: they also like bacon
Stranger: i love honey too
Stranger: humm
You: hmmmm!
You: that wut bees say!
You: no wait
You: that BUZZ
Stranger: honey+bacon+vagina = delicious
You: I knew I loved you
Stranger: + bees
Stranger: i forgot
Stranger: sorry
You: yes
You: bees make it magical
Stranger: yes
You: put a bee on your vagina
You: I promis you like
Stranger: i dont have a vagina \:\/
You: NO?!
Stranger: can i put one at yours ?
You: ONE peeniz and NO VAGINA!
You: yus
You: you can tickle my vag wit bees!
Stranger: im sure id love to
You: ME TOO!
You: be careful of the testicle tjho
You: it is very sensitive
Stranger: bees dont like testicle ?
You: no they sting!
Stranger: =O
Stranger: even if i put honey on it ?
You: yes
You: they smell boy parts
You: and they get jealous
Stranger: =(
You: they do not have testical big like mine!
You: but they love the girl bits
You: they pussywhipped
You: queen bees and all that
You: they fear the scrot
Stranger: soo, if i get my penis in a girls vagina they would sting me ?
Stranger: \:\(
You: that why I say keep peen out!
You: I has bees there!
You: not all girls has bees
You: some has crabs
Stranger: but, but \:\(
You: butt is an option
Stranger: yes
You: I can poo furst
Stranger: but dunno
You: and warsh it out
You: so it clean
Stranger: isnt it better for u in vajayjya ?
You: I dunno
Stranger: beside the bees ?
You: clit most important
You: plus I regularly orgasm taking a poo
You: so...
You: I like to poo
Stranger: humm
Stranger: :D
You: make me grunt like pig-dog!
You: sometimes drool
Stranger: no, thats nice
You: so I poo furst
Stranger: i like to see girls pooing
You: get there furst
You: oh,. you wanna watch?
Stranger: if u let me
Stranger: \:\)
You: you like seeing the thick
You: browm
Stranger: submarine
You: log stickin out her ass?
You: an her butt clenching it?
Stranger: id prefer to see the thick
You: like a gaping feesh?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: really nice
Stranger: i get hard with it
You: I poot mah hand in my undies jus then
Stranger: humm
You: an clench mah fingers in mah butt
You: they smells like poop
Stranger: hummm
Stranger: delicious
You: LOL
You: 1stranger 1cup!
Stranger: lick it
Stranger: lol
You: dude no
Stranger: XD
You: poo is nasty
Stranger: kidding
Stranger: nah
You: of course
You: perv!
You: :D
Stranger: dont remember me of 1 guy 1 cup
You: HA HA HA!
You: yeah I saw that!
Stranger: disgusting
You: broke the glass in his ass!
Stranger: yes
You: pourin blood
Stranger: ah
Stranger: stop it
Stranger: dont remember me
You: you get to hospital okay/
You: ?
Stranger: k
Stranger: lol
You: I was worried
Stranger: my brother sent me the link
You: so, wut ur name?
Stranger: dammit
You: really?
You: that a nice name
Stranger: Raul, yours ?
You: Uschi
You: f'real
Stranger: oh yes
Stranger: \:\)
You: is at efuked dot com
You: they has a LOT of effed up pron
You: Raw-oohl
Stranger: Ohh
Stranger: nice
You: or do it rhyme wif Paul
Stranger: noo
You: yus, good LOL pron
You: rah-uh-L
You: ra-wool
Stranger: its sounds more like someone throwing up
You: yeah, I actually know a guy with that name
You: I jus playin
Stranger: =))
You: he some catholic my mum knows from church or some shit
Stranger: aw
Stranger: thats not me for sure
You: you has religion?
Stranger: well..
You: yus, me neither!
Stranger: no
You: raised roman catholic
You: and jewish
You: you?
Stranger: raised catholic
Stranger: but when i got conscience
Stranger: leaved it
You: HAH!
You: yar
Stranger: conscience is right ?
You: yep
Stranger: dunno :\
Stranger: aw.. ok
You: unless you meant drivers liscence
Stranger: lol
You: har har haer
You: you ever read that Wizard Hat and Robe guy?
You: onna innernet sexchats?
Stranger: nope :\
You: NO?!
You: oh god.
Stranger: no \:\(
Stranger: what about them ?
Stranger: tell me
You: this guy is my hero
You: read later
You: takes a while
You: but you will ROTFLOL
Stranger: ejaowejae
Stranger: ok
You: that
You: was not a pallendrome
You: but I thought it was at first glance
You: racecar
Stranger: Humm
Stranger: lol
Stranger: sexchats in brazil
You: go hang a salami I'm a lasagane hog!
Stranger: most of the girls are gay guys \:\/
You: really?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: sad thing
You: I'm a queer girl
You: so
You: *shrug*
You: whomever can get it up
You: OH!
You: hey
Stranger: hi
Stranger: how are you ?
Stranger: lol
You: what the hell does P/B mean
You: ?
Stranger: p/b ? in portuguese ?
You: someone on this thing wrote that?
You: and I said I like peanutbutter!
You: and they logged off
Stranger: p/b in portuguese is like B&W i think oO
You: wait, what portugese>?
You: no they like
You: hi
You: P/B
You: i like soap
You: and I was all WUT?
Stranger: oO
You: okay
Stranger: oh well
You: so you dunno neither
Stranger: i dont know
Stranger: yeah
You: crazy ass bastards
You: mussin wif mah innernettes
Stranger: yeah...
Stranger: lol
You: random is random
Stranger: i just started reading blood ninja
You: innit great?!
Stranger: yeah
You: okay
Stranger: lmao
You: I need dinner
You: sos I'm about to peace out
You: BUT
You: you seem pretty cool
You: if you wanna hang out
You: I'm still Uschi
You: fun place
Stranger: ok..
You: unless you're one of the guys from there
Stranger: cya later :}
You: then I feel like a retard
You: BYE!
Stranger: lol

Old men, fear me! You will shatter under my ruthless apathetic assault!

Uschi - 2
Old Men - 0

"I am convinced that this world is of no importance, and that the only people who care about dates are imbeciles and Spanish teachers." -- Jean Arp, 1921

"If Jesus came back and saw what people are doing in his name, he would never never stop throwing up." - Max von Sydow, "Hannah and Her Sisters"