i've recently gotten very into listening to slowed-down versions of songs, which is actually something i forgot i enjoyed. when i was really little and we still had a record player, i'd always like playing my older sisters records on the slowest setting. the sound was just better to me. i'm sure that's the foundation for where i started to really enjoy music that sounds off or sour or even creepy (the beatles' elanor rigbey is likely my favorite song).

anywho, fast forward a bajillion years, and i became a web nerd that occasionally uses a sound-editing program called "goldwave". the newer versions have a time-disruption feature that, essentially, allows you to take a 5 minute song and make it 8 minutes long, thus slowing down the beat. the distortion is pretty flawless, unlike the speed-alteration found in other programs like WMP (which, ironically enough, sounds... distorted)

some highlights from my experimentation that i've really gotten into:

-hold on i'm coming (wilson picket and sam & dave)
-hotel california - live eagles version
-hey jude - sir paul
-paradise city - g'n'r
-house of the rising sun - animals, eagles, ace cannon, few others

giant picture