Stranger: hoooooooooi
You: Where the hell are you?
Stranger: i'm clemelinde
Stranger: in your ass
You: Over 47 German planes were destroyed with the loss of only 15 of our own aircraft
Stranger: cool
You: Where the hell are you Simon?
Stranger: i'm dutch and you?
You: Does anybody here remember Vera Lynn?
Stranger: yeah
You: Remember how she said that
You: We would meet again
Stranger: yeah it was great
Stranger: oké
Stranger: i like you
You: Some sunny day?
Stranger: yea in the winter
You: Vera! Vera!
Stranger: tetten tetten!
You: What has become of you?
Stranger: nothing
You: Does anybody else in here
Feel the way I do?
Stranger: ik zit in je aars
You: Us, and them
You: And after all we're only ordinary men.
Stranger: are you spatstisch?
You: Me, and you.
Stranger: yeeej
You: God only knows it's noz what we would choose to do.
Stranger: what are you doing at the moment?
You: Forward he cried from the rear
Stranger: batsen?
You: the front rank died.
Stranger: what a beautifull story
You: the general sat and the lines on the map moved from side to side.
Stranger: ik zei opkutten ouwe graftak
You: Black and blue and who knows which is which and who is who.
Stranger: ga nederlands leren
Stranger: en schrijf niet je geschiedenis schrift over
You: Up and down but in the end it's only round and round.
Stranger: sukkel
Stranger: get a life
You: Haven't you heard it's a battle of words the poster bearer cried
Stranger: ja het is goed met je
Your conversational partner has disconnected.