With all the recent celebrity deaths I thought it would be appropriate if I took a few moments to say something about their passing's.

Billie Mays. Billy was a good guy. The kind of guy I would like to be if I was not so incredibly good looking. I have bought all of his products including the mighty putty. It isn't the best tasting gum in the world, but it did lock my jaw together for three weeks which really helped me lose a few pounds for the Paris fashion show.

Farah Fawcett. What can be said about Farah that hasn't been said a million times before. For serious. I don't know.

Ed McMahon. I remember as a young boy watching Star Search and thinking, "Why is this on?".

Michael Jackson. From an early age I was touched by the work of Michael Jackson. Not in an emotional way like most people mean, but backstage on the Thriller tour.