Michelle Malkin had some great insight into the graffitti-flag-mural propaganda for Obamacare. (About 4 minutes into the Youtube clip below)

In addition to the legislation attempts by Democrats to slam through public-option healthcare reform that even many Democrats at this point will not vote for. And so Pelosi, Reid and the crazy-left are trying to ram it through unscrutinized, using various deceptive tactics, and by slandering Obamacare opponents.

The also-mentioned Florida Representative Grayson is the poster-boy for uncivility, who Obama (far from criticizing Grayson's antics) has praised as an important player in the Democratic Party.

Just another daily snapshot of how much liberal Democrats despise America, and work at every turn to undermine and slander those who love America and work to protect America from their destructive reforms, trojan-horsed in under the banner of "change".