Originally Posted By: the G-man, 3-10-2008
But, in all seriousness, I have to defend WB on this "he's a pedo" charge.

When WB wrote about these teachers, I took it to mean simply that he couldn't understand why the teachers would do something this stupid. I don't see that as "sympathy". Also, let's face it: looking at some of these teachers, no straight man can deny that he would have WANTED to have sex with a woman who looked like that when he was a teenager.

It should be also noted that having sex (or wanting to have sex) with an underaged (but not legal) teenager is not, per se, pedophilia. Pedophilia involves sexual fantasies about prepubescent children. The worst you can say about some of the girls WB posts pics of is that they look underaged but definitely post-adolesent.

Finally, I would point out that only one poster has been shown with a prepubescent child on his lap and it aint WB:

I really think rex just tries to tear others down to mask the depths of his own pathology.