Stranger: hiii
Stranger: im 11 :D
You: I was out tonight, and for whatever reason, I strike up some small talk with a random woman (pigs must have been flying). While it didn't go absolutely badly (she smiled when she talked to me), I couldn't even get her name, much less anything else. Which leads me to ask "What the fuck is wrong with me?" My friend Nicole tried to cheer me up with "Maybe there's something wrong with her", which I suppose would make sense, except for the fact that EVERY woman that I've ever been interested in romantically/ sexually has rejected me in some form or another, leading me to believe that it's me there's something wrong with and not the entire female gender. For the past 15 minutes I've been trying to stop crying, and I haven't been entirely successful.

All I've ever wanted was someone to be in love with, and have that same person be in love with me, and I'm starting to realize that that is never going to happen.
Stranger: its ok
You: \:\(
Stranger: well theres not much can say cuz im only 11 \:p
You: I think I might be gay.
Stranger: well im sorry
You: So am I
You: I may just kill myself
Stranger: noooo
Stranger: dont kill urself
You: for real this time
You: not like last timer
You: that was just to get attention
Stranger: oo
Stranger: well byebye
Your conversational partner has disconnected.