Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Again: I'm not wanking to their pictures.

Like your weren't beating off to the bouncing cock videos?

I could post actual porn if that were the intent. And I certainly haven't been shy about posting nude photos or video in the past.

This is your porn. You have always posted pictures of underage women. This is just the next step in your predatory degradation into full on child rape.

If you look at the comments for virtually any of the Youtube clips I've posted, they're filled with guys saying "wow, you're so sexy" or "marry me!" or stuff like that. And so long as the guys aren't vulgar about it they say thanks and appear mostly pleased with the attention.

You're using youtube comments to defend your views? Why can't you defend yourself with your own words?

So if I'm yet another guy who is impressed with their contortion ability, or beyond that I think they're hot, I really doubt they're offended by that. Or they wouldn't have posted the video clip of themselves in the first place.

Just give it up. You're a pedophile who uses the words of other pedophiles to defend yourself. Just kill yourself now.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.