Originally Posted By: Jim Jackson
I think some people are overwrought over Townshend. However, I think many of them who participate in this Forum will be hard pressed to boycott the NFL, CBS or the Super Bowl even though they claim moral outrage at Townshend's appearance and performance at halftime.

People should go after child abuse where it really exists, not where they think it is. If someone obtains evidence that Townshend diddled little kids, let's talk about that then.

He's been investigated. The authorities made their determination. Townshend will live with the stigma for the rest of his life.

Here's the thing with me Jim. I'm allowed to have whatever moral compass I want. The man admitted to buying child porn. He had lots of child porn on his computer. If it was the US he would have been convicted. Because he lives somewhere where the laws are different than here is not an issue. When you purchase child porn you are financing the people that "diddle" little kids.

I wont watch the Superbowl, I love the NFL, I always watch. When I dont I'm sure my kids will ask why. They will know that no matter how rich or famous you are, that its not ok to be a shitbag. They will know that as much as I love the NFL I wont participate in the forgiveness of this shithead. As big of a fan of the Who as you are it would be nice if you could set the same example for your kids, but thats your choice.