Originally Posted By: the G-man, October 26, 2008
 Originally Posted By: PJP
I was thinking that Isreal would be scared if Obama wins because more than likely Iran is going to try something right awya probably before spring of 09. And Obama will not get involved.....I gurantee it. He'll use some bullshit excuse saying are military is too spent because of Bush and he'll watch Israel burn and then call for both sides to show restraint.

The positive is though that Israel who listens to the USA right now when we tell them not to invade Iran or other middle east countries will no longer listen to us and probably nuke Iran and fuck anyone else up that gets in their way. Basically if America votes Obama in they will be responsible for WWIII.

A lot of people think this scenario, or something quite like it, is what Biden meant when he said that Obama would be "tested" and that people would be upset by what he did.

Rather prophetic, of the Israel situation over Obama's tenure.