i see you guys are still clinging to the "let's insult them when they point out we're hypocrites."

As to the whole notion that a court making rulings undermines the constitution. Well that's why we have courts, why we have the 3rd branch of government. Courts make rulings as to whether a new law fits within the freedoms of the constitution and it's a constantly evolving sense based on the advancment of society.
As the only person on this thread who actually voted on prop 8 I can say that it was very misleading. Had I not been up to date on the facts I might have been confused as many people were. What happened was that the courts ruled that banning same sex marriage was a violation of rights, then a bunch of christian conservatives got a lot of money from out of state organizations to put prop 8 on the ballot and flooded the airwaves with warnings about gay marriage destroying life as we know it and it passed with I think 51%. Afterwards there were a lot of complaints because people thought that in voting for prop 8 they were voting for gay marriage not realizing they were voting for making it illegal.
Hardly the "will of the people." And should voters really get to vote on what rights minority groups do and do not have? The only reason to ban gay marriage is due to religion. No one at any point is trying to force churches to perform gay marriages, these marriages are conducted in government buildings and bring in a lot of money to the state through licensing fees and tourism.
Personally I was there in 2004 when they first started the ceremonies at SF city hall and I saw the protests in 2008. It's just a nice group of people who want to be happy and treated equally, not belittled or discriminated against.

Bow ties are coool.