Originally Posted By: the G-man
We went over this ad nauseum several years ago, and more than once.

As noted then, the laws against gay marriage are not particularly different than the prohibitions against polygamy and incest (at least when carried out by consenting adults). Each one is illegal wholly by legistative act of the government in defining which marital relations are legal and which aren't.

If courts start striking down gay marriage, on the idea that it's a "right," or "privilege," it becomes more and more difficult for courts to uphold the statutes that make incest and polygamy illegal.

This is why such things should be left to the legislature and the ballot box, and not by the creation of "rights" that aren't mentioned in the constitution.

and you were wrong ad nauseum years ago. incest has a blood relation and serious concerns regarding inbreeding, and polygamy requires multiple partners. gay marriage is basically in line with people of different races marrying in that it's two adults who want to be together and can't due to a federally protected status (federally one can't be discriminated against based on race or gender, correct?)
The only argument that can be made is religious which has no place in the law.

Bow ties are coool.