Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
you cut out the part where I concluded my point. So I'll retype it to make you feel special and even reword it so it feels fresh. In polygamy and incest there are different factors. With gay marriage you basically have the same argument that was used against marriage between races. Replace race with gender and it really is the same argument. Race and gender are both qualified as a federally protected status and therefore you can't allow one without the other.

That's just a deliberate misrepresentation of the true issue. Segregation was just about skin color.

Homosexuality is not a race, it's a sexual behavior, not an inherent genetic trait, but a behavioral choice. And to many, an immoral and decadent one. And to non-religious people who oppose it, homosexuality is just a weird and gross choice.

As I quoted in a previous topic years ago, black civil rights leaders were actually offended that gays tried to wedge through their agenda comparing gay rights to the black civil rights movement.
And while you try to deny the issue, the chasm between gay rights and black civil rights was made clear in California's Proposition 8 vote in November 2008.
Where blacks who came to the polls to vote for Obama voted overwhelmingly against Proposition 8.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

THere have been plenty of studies to say gay marriage is not going to cause a problem and children raised in such homes will turn out better than with a single parent.

There have been plenty of other studies that say otherwise. That gay parents are more likely to promote their lifestyle, as well as promote other decadent behavior.

 Originally Posted By: ray
They will do whatever they want in the bedroom, banning [gay] marriage is just religious people forcing their views on others and spreading misery. No wonder it's the talking point you've been sticking with for years. You make foolish arguments and then ignore the responses so you can repeat your idiocy...ad nasueum.

You've got it backwards.

The truth is, pushing gay marriage is just gay and liberal people forcing their views on conservative and Christian people, spreading misery by forcing their lifestyle, which in every credible study is maybe 2% of the public, and forcing their gay/liberal secularist views onto the overwhelming majority who oppose gay marriage.

Forcing those views on a society created on Christian principles, no less. Ironically, suppressing thre free practice of Christianity in a Christian culture.

Again: gay marriage is an attempt to give gays state-recognized minority protection. And would therefore make any Judao-Christian Bible verses condemning homosexuality a "hate-crime" punishable by large fines or even jail-time. So you want to give gays rights by taking rights away from Christians and other conservatives.