Originally Posted By: the G-man

According CBS only forty-two percent of the public outright supports gay marriage. Most of the rest either support civil unions (but not "marriage") or oppose the whole idea outright.

So, apparently, about half the country gives a fuck and/or are "religious fanatics."

Someone could vote for or against something, and not feel strongly about it.

Saying that everyone who votes against a proposition "gives a fuck" is a stretch.

I honestly don't believe anyone other than the extreme right wing nutters give a flip about this, especially considering the sorry ass condition of this country right now.

As I said before, I've got no problem with gay marriage when it's done by legislation or ballot initiatives. I just think the court rulings that impose it are flawed for the reasons I've set forth. I suspect a lot of republicans--and independents--feel the same way.

Finally, this begs the question: if some supporters of gay marriage are correct, and only a minority (primarily religious conservatives) oppose it, why are they so afraid to put it to a vote? Why are they forced to go to court and get legal opinions often full of tortured logic and bad precedents?

Speaking only for myself, I'd have to say that they are concerned with the idea of the masses being swayed through bigotry or misinformation. You know, like the rhetoric that two gays getting married is an assualt on traditional marriages, America, insurance rates, and all that other nonsense...

"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?"

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