Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Seriously...why do some straight people get so wound up over this?

I'm straight (except when we're talking about Jaburg, SOM, or Rob...then, I'm gay) and I couldn't give a FUCK less about gays getting married.

I know the Republicans make a big deal over gay marriage since they're trying to appease the religious fanatics who vote for them, but who else truly gives a FUCK?

Two points:
1. I think it's simply a defensive reaction to seeing someone being bullied. I probably wouldn't care too much if they were left alone to live their lives but when some religious nutjobs decide to push their view of what's right and wrong on other people then one feels a need to speak up. It's the same as how I don't really spend much time at all thinking about race until someone like wondy says "I'm not racist but black people are more violent than whites." Same principle. I don't like to see an entire group of people being condemned by some holier than thou assholes.
2. Go fuck yourself.

Bow ties are coool.