Originally Posted By: G-girl in another thread referencing this thread
Also, aren't you the same guy over in the latest gay marriage thread, arguing that CA voters were stupid and were "tricked" into voting against gay marriage?

I spoke as the only person on that thread who voted in that election and actually stood in the ballot box seeing what the voters saw. It was misleading, the ads that I saw on tv were misleading, and I knew people who had voted for it thinking they were voting in support of gay marriage. Unlike 99% of the posts here from anyone, this is one that goes to me being there firsthand and I can speak with more authority than you can based on something you read.
As for the out of state groups coming in with millions to fund the campaign for prop 8, that was a big issue and discussed in the paper everyday. Unless you read a california newspaper daily back then, I again go to firsthand experience.

Bow ties are coool.