
Joe Mama said:

Side note here: I picked up the new issue of Rue Morgue on Saturday. As I'm flippin' through it, I notice on page 39 and ad for a band called Ghoultown. "This looks familiar," says I. Then I hit the music review section (page 70), and I see that Ghoultown's Live From Texas got a damn fine review. "Hmmm..." says I. "These cats look familiar and it's gonna grate on me until I find out why..." So I pour over all yer profiles until - what do I find?!? Our own Grimm!!! So, tonight, I'm gonna roll on over to the record stores right near my office and plunk down some cheese to pick up what Rue Morgue refers to as "One of the more original combinations of alt rock and horror theme..."

Congrats, Grimm!!!

One more. . .for the bad guys! Yah, I made the thanks section on that live album, I's officially part of the extended family now.