Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I've already demonstrated repeatedly across multiple topics that you use use the exact words, and I mean the EXACT words, of liberal talking points as you bash conservative Republicans.

First of all, the only Republicans I regularly "bash" are extremists like the Tea Party and the freaks on FOX Entertainment.

Second, you consistently accuse me of using "the exact Liberal talking points". Yet, at no time have I copied and pasted anything. I'm just speaking from the heart, the mind, and the realm of common sense and rational thought. So, the fact that you see anything of my opinion as "Liberal talking points" is merely your own partisan-paranoia, as ever. Believe what you like, dude.

As you pile on the slanderous partisan caricatures in your leftist hate diatribes.

Waaaaah! You have no sense of humor and are easily ruffled! Waaaaah! Jeez, Dave, cry me a river man. Get over it. It's just the internet. Ignore my jokes if you don't like them. Bitching about it just makes you sound like a pussy.

I keep exposing your lunacy, you keep changing the subject and hiding behind emoticons. (i.e., \:lol\: \:lol\: )

Exposing? Exposing what?? The only thing you've exposed is YOUR absolute nutso bias and beliefs. No one...and I mean NO ONE...is on your wavelength here. No one agrees with your fantasy extremist attitude and hypocritical beliefs! No one ever pipes up and says, "Hey that Wonder Boy sure makes a lot of sense!". No one!! Everyone from BSAMS, to Rex, to G-Man, to Rob, to Mxy, to....to everyone.....we all think you're batshit insane. We tell you that constantly. How do you filter that out? How do you not see that you are the Loony-Right that even The Right is embarrassed by? How?!

Sorry, there isn't an emoticon strong enough to describe the amount of psychotic denial on your part. So, I'll just use this one again ---> \:lol\: !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get a grip, David...