Originally Posted By: Prometheus
How's the child? How's the wife? How's the?

hey buddy, thanks for your concern. sorry I haven't been able to post more; you guessed it, parenting's a time-consuming endeavor. things are going really well at work except I wish I were home with jackie and joann more. things are going reasonably well at home; we are applying for an apartment not too much farther from work and we're hoping to get it sometime soon but we'll see. and the baby? teething. fucking. sucks. part of me feels bad for being such a sound sleeper - especially when jackie looks daggers at me the few times I do wake up - but hopefully this phase won't last too much longer.

so in summation, life is good. thanks again for asking. I may elaborate more in the near future, but... well, let's not forget with whom you're dealing here.


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