Other than Robert Picardo, the holoDoc, not that I know. Picardo's been in a lot of different shows, and became a full-time cast member of STARGATE ATLANTIS in its final two years. I think the Janeway chick does stage acting. Kes became super-fat (seriously Google her). Chakotay is publicly vocal about his hate of VOY and his time on Trek. Paris is a director. The rest, no idea.

I gave Voyager a season. And then I checked back in around season 3, since all Treks usually gear-up by S3. Like you said, even after the Year-of-Hell storyline which I'd been told to try, it was pointless when they reset everything. After that, I simply gave up. Never tried to watch it again, until recently. I used Wikipedia to see which episodes TNG characters appeared in VOY, and was going to view just those episodes. I couldn't even get through the first one with Riker. Holy CRAP the casting and writing on that show is total balls Not a single redeeming quality other than HoloDoc...