Originally Posted By: Prometheus
This is why I think he's lying about being an old man. No one his age would go to this much trouble to "Ignore"/Attack on an online message board. It also proves Gake's not "Ignoring" anyone. He is in fact reading every single word. Did you see how he freaked out and spammed the Poli Forum because I proved he was outright lying by linking to one thing, but posting his own opinion and beliefs as if they came from the article itself? It makes you wonder how many times he's pulled that shit in the past. Even Wondy, with all his crazy extremist, doesn't just outright lie to "win".

It's also another reason I think it's safe to guess that G-Pussy = Pariah = Rex. Those three share the same unethical obsessions. You could throw Jake in there as well. But, he's never really shown that he would be capable of pulling off any type of "deep" conversation or debate. I mean, even Pariah can do that. So, I'm not sure. It might be as simple as Pariah = G-Pussy, and Rex = Jake. That would make more sense in the scheme of things. Pariah's shown he openly lies about his personal life and "Cartel" adventures. It wouldn't be a stretch for him to pretend to be G-Pussy. They also share the same bloodlust for the "subhuman" (as G called them) non-whites...