Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
actually, I just got it. non-Republican males aren't afraid of women being equal or the word 'vagina'.

I realize you get a bad case of the sand when I call you on your bullshit once in a while, but really it was a laughable assertion to make. and I'm not sure why you insist on clinging to it. you get way too defensive to explain your diatribes away as 'stirring the pot', yet you don't put forth the effort not to be a parody of yourself. I don't get it. pick one. if you really buy into something, man up and admit you're taking a side. if you're just dicking around with us, then for fuck's sake take a day or two off to clear your head and come up with something funny. it's not that I don't respect you, it's that I'd probably respect you more if you weren't trying to have your cake and eat it too.

I'm sorry...where's is YOUR stunning insight into the subject? It's easy to ad-lib from the sidelines while pretending not to be involved, isn't it? You randomly pop up and then expect a picture or vague sentence to spark instant conversation? What part of what I've said in this thread do you not get? What part needs to be explained? I think my points are absolutely clear and up front. I'm not sure what else you need.

Or, is it just the situation happens to prove my points, and it's burning up the GOP Brotherhood? Were they right to ban her? Are they afraid of vaginas? Or are you just looking to shore up the normal rightwing partisan bullshit?