In the 70's and 80's when I read the DEFENDERS, what I liked was that they were all loner characters (Hulk, Dr. Strange, Hellcat, Son of Satan, sometimes Silver Surfer...) who were essentially loner characters, who almost by reluctance worked together as a team.

I loved the early Englehart stories, and the Kraft/Giffen period in the mid-70's. and Golden did some incredible covers that made me wish he did some interior art.

The last version I tried was the DeMatteis/Giffen Maguire period, circa 2006, and even with that creative team, it was a dissapointment. Like a JUSTICE LEAGUE re-tread that they tried to put on the Defenders, but it didn't fit. Would that they had a writer who gave the series the justice it deserves.

Some nice Golden DEFENDERS covers: