Yes, I'm just making shit up to ruin your good name. I am now going to attribute the most unbelievably stupid, cartoonishly hateful bullshit I can find on the internet and pretend you're the one who said it:

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
It's actually refreshing to know there's a place in America where people stand firm for what they believe, and don't compromise their moral beliefs by endorsing the gay lifestyle.

The simple fact is, gay activists and the ACLU can't be everywhere, and that's probably why this small town of 8,000 hasn't been harassed and intimidated into accepting gays.

I've been pretty vocal, that I think, like many, that being gay is a behavior. It is not an ethnic group entitled to rights, it is simply a choice of actions. And a community has a right to reject that choice of actions as culturally unacceptable. And if they don't like it, gays can move to San Francisco or Key West or some other metropolitan area.

Or if homosexuality were more widely regarded as unacceptable, then perhaps more people would be psychologically treated to eliminate it, and lead happier lives. I know two people --family members-- who were heterosexual and in their late 20's made a switch to the gay lifestyle. And despite the fact that they live in areas of the country where homosexuality is widely accepted, in both the local community and among our family (in Florida and Arizona) they have for two decades both suffered from alcoholism, depression, been prescribed Zoloft and other anti-depressents, and been under psychological counseling at least once a week for that entire time.
There is nothing gay or happy, in what I've observed closely in them, about being homosexual.

As I pointed out elsewhere repeatedly over the last 12 years or so, homosexuality was clinically diagnosed as a compulsive disorder by the psychology/psychiatry fields until political correctness pressed to remove it from the list of psychological disorders in 1973.

And any clinician who attempts since then to objectively investigate without bias even the possibility that homosexuality is nurture and not nature, that clinician is harassed and intimidated into silence, or at least denied any prestige in the psychiatric field.
(Much like the scientists who objectively question or dissent from global warming theory. The liberal community's holy war on progress and objective sccience.)

But regardless, there are still researchers and clinicians who treat it as a disorder.

I see homosexuality as it was before 1973: an compulsive-obsessive disorder. Like alcohol and drug abuse. Like pedophelia. Like bondage and discipline, like other sexual fetishes and obsessions. And as I've cited in the past, you see these other groups, like pedophiles, like BDSM, annually trying to legitimize their "lifestyle" and have it as well taken of the list of disorders, riding on the coat-tails of homosexuals.

If you don't want more alcoholics and drug addicts, both the law and the community should discourage it.
Likewise teen pregnancy.
Likewise homosexuality, and other "alternative" lifestyles, that are part of a movement to undermine marriage, the family, and conservatism.

And under the post-1960's cultural revolution (thinly veiled re-packaged marxism of the Frankfurt School of Georg Lukacs, Antonio Gramsci, Theodr Adorno and Herbert Marchuse) advocacy for the "alternative family" and gay lifestyle is part of the marxist plot to 1) undermine the supportive role of the family to instill traditional/conservative values, 2) undermine faith in our Western democracy institutions and government, and 3) undermine belief in the cultural values in our Judao-Christian churches.

These three things were what marxists considered the pillars of western culture that prevented the success of global marxist revolution in the 1920's and 30's.
They were the pillars that marxist thinkers deemed necessary to topple in order to undermine defense of Western culture, and prepare them, through decades of leftist indoctrination, for marxist revolution that would seize power unresisted.

As we are seeing now under the current DNC leadership, liberal-dominated media, and liberal-dominated schools and universities.

Wow, I may have gone a little overboard on that one. Sorry buddy.