Come off it, M E M.

Gays are ALWAYS bashing Christians as intolerant backward cro-magnons.

Pro gloated about how liberals will "pause their laughter, though, I'm sure once they get the chapter where the second American Civil War simply executed all the nutbags who refuse to evolve into the 21st century. "

From Chris Matthews to Michael Moore to the pundits of every other liberal paper, magazine or network, you guys are always scapegoating Christians as on a par with muslims and living in a medeival past.

Proposition 8 in California, for example, in 2008. Where it turned out to be black voters who elected Obama, that also voted Prop 8 to ban gay marriage. But that didn't stop gay activists from blaming white Christian churches, and interrupting services with gay-activist in-your-face defiant chants and slogans.