Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Snopes actually has that piece of conservative propaganda and rates it as false. On a side note I'm glad that you make it very clear as to who actually is doing the hating.

With all due respect, M E M, this president at multiple turns has openly expressed his contempt for our country, its heroes, its history, and our current military.

Obama has (or did until some have resigned) marxists in his administration like Van Jones, Valerie Jarrett, Ron Bloom, Anita Dunn, Mark Lloyd and so forth, who have openly praised the likes of Mao and Hugo Chaves.
Obama has undermined and endangered the victories that others won in Iraq and Afghanistan by premature withdrawal of troops.
Obama betrayed our allies Poland and Czech Republic, negotiating away their missile defense shield to the Russians, without so much as even consulting them.
Obama has not only neglected to deal with Iran's nuclear threat, but leaked Israel's independent plan to invade Iran using airfields in Aizerbaijan. Thanks to Obama's treason against Israel, that is no longer an option.
Obama betrayed details of Seal Team 6's Bin Ladin raid, that likewise revealed military secrets for his own short term P.R. gain, while treasonously endangering our military, and thus the nation.

Obama has denied both land and offshore oil drilling permits, that have endangered our energy and economic independence.
Obama has likewise declared war on fossil feuls, and especially the coal industry.
And true to his word, the cost of oil and other feul has resultantly, as obama planned in 2008 in a video interview, "necessarily skyrocketed".

And worst of all under Obama, he has taken our federal debt from 10 trillion to 17 trillion, and will have more than doubled it by the time he leaves office. Adding BY FAR more debt than all other presidents combined.
And in the process, Obama has risked collapse of the dollar. Which has a remarkable similarity to the marxist plan of Cloward and Piven strategy, to deliberately collapse the system with impossibly high entitlements, and under cover of the chaos, administer unprecedented wealth redistribution that could never be done without the cover of a crisis.

There's also building of FEMA camps designed for interrogation and holding of political prisoners, the militarizing of our police force, the accumulation of 1.6 billion rounds of hollow-point ammunition, and passing of the NDAA 2012 and 2013.

If you have any reasonable explanation for these things, I would love to hear it. They look a heck of a lot like an authoritarian power-grab, and the destruction of our Constitutional republic.

Add to that Obama's marxist beliefs that have been clearly cited since his high school and college years, and his close association with fiercely anti-American and pro-Soviet and pro-Maoist figures his entire adult life, from Frank Marshall Davis, to both his own parents, to his grandparents, to his college roomates and professors, to Jeremiah Wright, William Ayers, Derrick Bell, and the marxist radicals he appointed to his own presidential administration.