And by the way...

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I was just re-watching one of the best and most enlightening Glenn Beck episodes:

Glenn Beck Tree of Revolution

As I've pointed out elsewhere, I'm just amazed how William Ayers' vision for America is Barack Obama's vision, and it is happening: FEMA camps, DHS accumulating 1.6 billion rounds (enough for a century of hot war), controlling people through welfare and government-dominated healthcare, deliberately spiking energy costs, Cloward and Piven strategy to collapse the system under new overwhelmning debt, using panic of a crisis to hide radical restructuring of government.

William Ayers' vision of destroying America...

...mirrors perfectly the America Obama is creating:

With FEMA camps that can house 50 million political prisoners. And DHS officials trained to fire on unarmed civilians.

...what Obama had envisioned in 2008, he has set in place.

All but the final Stage 4 of "normalization."