Originally Posted By: Pariah
As badly written as much of Voyager is, I always felt it was the superior concept. I just like the "Lost in Space" feel even if a lot of the stories are crap. That's especially why I enjoyed the third season of Enterprise.

Voyager sucks!

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
It's been a long time since I watched DS9, so I've forgotten a great deal, but thus far, it definitely has much better writing than TNG. My only huge problem with it is that Benjamin Sisko has an irritating tendency to speak out both ends of his mouth on every issue--especially when it came to the 'religion in school' episode at the end of season one. And Dax is consistently annoying too.

The first couple of seasons are shoddy. I think they were still trying to figure out how to make the concept work. Season three on are damn good though. I think that has a lot to do not only with the whole Dominion storyline, but that's when they really start making a lot of the fun episodes. Especially the ones centering in on the Ferengi.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
As usual, however, the engineer, O'Brien is the most charismatic of the cast. But Quark is a lot cooler than I remember him being.

O'Brien is gold. Colm Meaney is brilliant. I always liked the character on TNG and was excited about him getting his own place to shine on DS9. The episodes where he was captured by the Cardassians and put on trial, when he was put in a 'thought prison' by another alien race, and the one where he thinks the crew of DS9 are plotting a conspiracy are my favorites centered on the character.

Quark is fucking great at pointing out the utopia bullshit that came out of thin air for TNG. The shit with Jeffrey Combs as Brunt are fucking hilarious. TNG tried to make Ferengi evil. DS9 made them fun.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
All in all, not enough Federation-bashing for my taste thus far.

There's more to come. Plus, you have to pay attention. Sometimes they're just one liners that you may miss.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."