Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
As badly written as much of Voyager is, I always felt it was the superior concept. I just like the "Lost in Space" feel even if a lot of the stories are crap. That's especially why I enjoyed the third season of Enterprise.

Voyager sucks!

Jebus criminey, I forgot how crappy this series is.

Before Future's End, there were some fun ones here and there, but after that point, it's already on the verge of going full retard.

Future's End is the Trekkies' answer to denial: "We don't accept for a moment that private businessmen concerned only with prophet developed our sophisticated technology! Clearly, it was simply stolen from a brighter Utopian future! IT'S THE ONLY EXPLANATION!!"

And, of course--after preaching up a storm about how the technology doesn't belong in that century--Janeway and friends have no problem with holding on to the portable holo-emitter. No, there's no hypocrisy there at all.