A British press piece on Gennifer Flowers, mentioning Bill Clinton, Hillary, The Weiner and wife Huma:

On the Clintons' lying nature (BOTH of them) :

On 23 January 1992 tabloid, The Star named Gennifer as Clinton’s mistress. Three days later he and wife Hillary appeared on 60 minutes, side by side, flat denying the claim.

Six years later Clinton admitted to having sexual relations with Gennifer ‘one time’ in 1977 in his deposition to lawyers representing former Arkansas State employee Paula Jones in her sexual harassment lawsuit against him.

On her affair of many years with Bill Clinton, and her new venture as a sex advice columnist:

Demonstrating something of the playfulness that saw her snare the then Governor of Arkansas she said: ‘I’m going to have to thank Bill for some of the advice I’m going to be giving.

'It will be based on experiences I had with him.

Gennifer in 1996: No longer in Clinton's bed but still in the spotlight in 1996

She added: 'I wish he would write to me.

'He could do it. People don't have to send their name.

'Really he taught me a lot.'

Clinton, now 67, also shared a lot of intimacies regarding his marriage to Hillary.

They left Gennifer in no doubt that the union is far from 'traditional.'

She said: ‘What they have is very strong.

'It obviously worked for them but I’ve never considered theirs a traditional marriage.'

I think Bill will be hitting that again!
The runway lights are showing the way, and the radio tower is guiding him in.

And Hillary and Huma's carpet-munching tendencies...

When rumours surfaced recently of an affair between Hillary Clinton and her transition office chief, Huma Abedin, 37, Gennifer was not surprised.

The rumours concerning Huma, wife of disgraced former Mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner, 49, emerged as she stood by her husband in the wake of his recent 'sexting' scandal.

Revelations that he had sent intimate pictures of himself and steamy messages to 23-year-old Sydney Leathers - a girl he had only ever 'met' online - finally did [in] his New York Mayoral campaign last week.

Just the Weiner being the Weiner.
But the mainstream media in the U.S. doesn't want to touch the Huma/Hillary relationship story, and potentially hurt her campaign.

Even as they are eager and going 24/7 all-Christie-scandal-all-the- time, with no direct link proven to Christie himself.

One might think, y'know, they were propping up Hillary (despite evidence they selectively omit) and tearing down Christie (without evidence).
But hey, what am I thinking, there's no history of that, IS there?

The nudie pics of Gennifer Flowers with the article are just the icing on the cake. At the time the story broke, Flowers was as beautiful a woman as you could imagine. It's not hard to see where Bill (who was banging every girl in sight anyway) was tempted and took the bait.