This was an off-topic aside I ran across in the Chris Christie has a bridge he would like to sell you topic, and really belongs here:

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy, 1-25-2014

Obama and his cronies watched the attack in real time for 7 hours, sat on their thumbs, and told TRULY LOYAL AND COURAGEOUS people to stand down.
Then Obama neglected his responsibility as commander in chief, went to bed while the battle continued, and flew off to Las Vegas to campaign the next morning, never even asking what happened to the embassy staff the next day.
THEN they made up a fake cover story about an anti-Islamic Youtube video causing the attack, on up to then-Defense secretary Robert Gates said EVERYONE knew was absolutely false.

Gregory Hicks, testifying before Congress, said that Obama, Hillary, Susan Rice, and Jay Carney fronting that story a day after he (Hicks) and everyone else knew it was false, made him sick to his stomach. And angry. He was on the edge of tears, testifying about the administration's lies, that killed people he knew personally. And he was demoted to a desk job and stripped of all authority, for simply testifying to what the true facts are.

In August 2013, it was reported by Drew Griffin and Kathleen Johnston of CNN that dozens of CIA operatives were on the ground in Benghazi on the night of the attack.[29] Their sources say 35 people were on the ground in Benghazi the night of attack, and 21 of those worked in the annex building. They further reported that according to their sources the agency was going to great lengths to keep what they were doing a secret, including polygraphing some of the survivors monthly in order to find out if they were talking to the media or Congress. The actions of the CIA were described as pure intimidation, with any leak risking the loss of a career. Former CIA agent Robert Baer described the frequency of the polygraphs as rare. The report also mentioned speculation on Capitol Hill that the CIA and State Department were secretly helping to move surface-to-air missiles from Libya, through Turkey, into the hands of Syrian rebels.


A minority of Senators from the Republican Party offered additional views:
  • 15 people in Libya who have tried to help the FBI investigation have been killed
  • there were no protests prior to the attack
  • the U.S. State Department was resistant to cooperating with the investigation
  • terrorists who participated in the attacks included al-Qa'ida in the Lands of the Islamic Maghreb, Ansar al-Sharia, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, and the Mohammad Jamal Network
  • the Obama administration manipulated facts; its handling of the attacks has been "a source of confusion" and that the "Administration chose to try to frame the story in a way that minimized any connection to terrorism"