Sophie Marceau!

She's gorgeous beyond belief. And she's also great as the French princess who has at it with Mel Gibson in Braveheart.
I also like her in a remake she did of Anna Karenina.
I also enjoyed her in a comedy film with David Spade called Lost and Found.
And an independent movie she did called Firelight.

After World is Not Enough (in which she looks beautiful, but the movie somehow is incoherent as a whole and not up to par) Marceau kind of disappeared. I know she came from French cinema before the above Hollywood roles, so she apparently had her fill of American cinema and went back to the French market.

Of the Bond players, I too am a Roger Moore man. The first Bond movie I saw in the theatre was Live and Let Die. And with the introduction of an amazing Jane Seymour (only 20 at the time) and a great Paul McCartney title song, how can you possibly go wrong?
For my money the best action movie ever made until Raiders of the Lost Ark came along.
Moore is the cavalier slightly-snobbish English gentleman that I always thought perfectly captured the Bond role.
I kind of retroactively watched the Connery films and appreciate him in the role now too, but for me, Moore was best in the role.
Timothy Dalton was awful as Bond, completely out of character.
Pierce Brosnan was a return to consistency with Roger Moore's version, with a great increase in epic scale and quality of the Bond franchise.

And I like what Daniel Craig has done as well. Casino Royale was absolute perfection. The one after that was engaging but not quite as good. I haven't seen Skyfall yet.

But the series was very consistent under Roger Moore, and the series declined for a while when they got away from what made Moore's films so appealing.

My favorite line is from Moonraker, as Bond and the girl are floating naked at the end of the movie, in zero gravity, with a bedsheet discretely floating in front of them to avoid an R-rating.
"M" and the other MI-6 higher-ups turn on the video monitor and see Bond, and one says "I say, what is Bond doing?"
Another responds, "I think he's attempting re-entry!"