As a huge Bond fan I have always said this. To say I have a favourite Bond is ridiculous because each of them essentially play a different character, bringing their own thing to the table and were a product of their era.
The classic Connery films were great, but feel very dated in this day and age.
Connery was brutal, very dry and had a darkness to him.

Lazenby while not a great actor, starred in what has been my favourite Bond film for years. He was more sauve than Connery, but never really got a chance to put his stamp on the character due to people around him feeding his ego.

Moore was part of a lighter era (the 70s) where things were more over the top. He was more likeable as a person, wittier and yes, somewhat camp.

Dalton brought things back down to a darker era like the 60s Bond, but doesnt look as dated today. Dalton was gritty, had a darker brooding side and was probably the first "real" actor in the role.

Brosnan for me had a bit of all previous Bonds in his character. He was smooth as fuck, but had the mix of Moore campness and the grittier side that Connery & Dalton brought to the table.

Craig for me though is a different kettle of fish. Because the franchise was actually being rebooted, it really was a different character this time, not being the seasons spy everyone was used to.
To some respects while I love his films, I still struggle to see him as Bond. Apart from his look (he looks like Gollum), the character just doesnt have the charm and wit that we are used to, but this is a character in development basically being his origin.