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#1222876 2017-02-13 10:29 PM
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The countdown is on to the Road to WrestleMania and the glorious return of the Warlord of CLOW!!!

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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May your return also bring about the return of your faithful boyfriend joseph mother

big_pimp_tim-made it cool to roll in the first damn place!
Mon Jun 11 2007 09:27 PM-harley finally rolled with me
"I'm working with him...he's young but, there is much potential. He can apprentice with me and then he's yours for final training. He will remember the face of his father...

Some day, Knutreturns just may be the greatest of us all...."-THE bastard
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Results courtesy of (direct link to Powell's real-time coverage of the WM Kickoff Show)

1. Neville vs. Austin Aries for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship. Phillips noted that Neville hasn't lost a singles match since October. The ring was made up in typical cruiserweight style. Aries sent Neville to ringside. Aries charged for a move, but Neville caught him with a kick that drew gasps from the crowd. Neville followed up with a missile dropkick for a two count before they went to a commercial.

Powell's POV: I really wish they would come up with a way to remove the commercials from the network feed. Paid subscribers should be able to see the full match, especially a WrestleMania match, without any commercial interruptions. On a positive note, the building looks packed. I'm sure there are still open seats, but it's not the half empty stadium that last year's Kickoff Show matches played to.

Neville was still in control coming out of the break. Aries came back and performed his spinning elbow drop. A short time later, Aries performed a suicide dive. He threw Neville back inside the ring and covered him for a two count. Aries performed a missile dropkick off the top rope and got another two count.

Neville came back with a wicked German suplex that dropped Aries right on his head. It looked even uglier on the replay. Aries recovered. Neville went for another German, but Aries flipped over and went for a discus five-arm, but Neville kicked him and performed a German suplex into a bridge for a two count.

Aries connected with the discus five-arm that knocked Neville to ringside. Graves said he didn't know if it was awareness or luck that saved Neville. Aries went to ringside and rolled Neville back onto the apron. Neville caught Aries with a kick. Neville went up top. Aries cut him off and performed a huracanrana off the top rope. Aries hit a running forearm in the corner and followed up with a 450 splash for a great near fall. Aries applied the Last Chancery. Neville gouged the bad eye of Aries. Neville went up top and hit the Red Arrow for the win

Neville defeated Austin Aries in 15:40 to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Champion.

Powell's POV: That was one hell of an opening match. I bit on the 450 splash and the Last Chancery. I really like the decision to go with Neville. He's been phenomenal as the heel champion, and I'd like to see Aries eventually win the championship after a long chase. Here's hoping Aries is okay after that German suplex. He seemed find and simply sold his bad eye afterward. That was one ugly bump. On a side note, it's so cool to see Aries go from working local indies to working his first WrestleMania match. Support independent wrestling. You never know when you're going to see a guy who will go from your local armory to WrestleMania.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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2. Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. Strowman immediately eliminated one of the Shining Stars. Kalisto and Simon Gotch were gone seconds later. The rapid fire eliminations continued. Strowman and Show squared off. Sami Zayn attacked Strowman. The wrestlers all fought on opposite sides. Strowman broke through his side and dumped Big Show over the top rope to eliminate him. A group of wrestlers eliminated Strowman. It's anybody's game, one of the broadcast team members said.

Cole spoke about Killian Dain and noted that he's from the Sanity promotion. Luke Harper stood out as an unadvertised participant. R-Truth was eliminated. Ziggler eliminated Rhyno. Aiden English was eliminated. Cole noted that a number of people were eliminated during the commercial break, so it looks like they stuck with the match on the network feed, but USA Network viewers didn't see the eliminations.

American Alpha eliminated a couple of guys, but they were both eliminated a short time later. Tian Bing eliminated Tyler Breeze and Fandango. The broadcast team put him over. He was eliminated moments later by a Dolph Ziggler superkick. Mojo Rawley eliminated Bo Dallas. Apollo Crews and Ziggler were eliminated. Titus O'Neil eliminated Luke Harper with a kick.

The final five was Zayn, O'Neil, Jinder Mahal, Dain, and Mojo. Zayn eliminated Titus. Dain eliminated Zayn to boos. Rawley and Mojo traded blows. Mojo performed a running shoulder block that knocked Dain down. Jinder threw Rawley through the ropes and then worked him over at ringside in front of Gronk, so you had to know where this was going.

Jinder got in the face of Gronk. He took Gronk's cup, drank from it, and then threw water on him. Jinder returned to the ring. Gronk climbed over the barricade. Security ran over and stopped him, then they backed off. Gronk removed his Mojo t-shirt and entered the ring. Gronk got down on all fours and performed a running shoulder block on Jinder to a nice pop. Gronk left and then Mojo eliminated Dain, and eventually Jinder to win the match. Gronk entered the ring and celebrated with Mojo by slapping his chest repeatedly

Mojo Rawley won the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal in 14:15

Powell's POV: For our non-NFL fans, Gronkowski is a star player for the New England Patriots. WWE will get lots of love from the sports networks for this one. Mojo winning won't excite the masses, but getting Gronk in the ring at WrestleMania is a pretty big deal. My apologies for not getting all the eliminations, but that was chaos.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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3. Dean Ambrose vs. Baron Corbin for the Intercontinental Championship. Corbin attacked Ambrose to start. Ambrose came right back with a suicide dive and worked over Corbin at ringside briefly. The sound cut out briefly as Corbin came back with kicks in the corner. A short time later, Corbin took Ambrose to ringside and ran him into the barricade. Back inside the ring, Ambrose caught a charging Corbin with an elbow, then side stepped another charge, causing Corbin to go through the ropes in the corner.

Ambrose went up top for his flying elbow. Corbin caught him with a Codebreaker type of move on the way down. They went to ringside a short time later. Corbin charged, Ambrose moved, and Corbin crashed into the ring steps. Ambrose went up top and performed his flying elbow onto Corbin at ringside. Saxton played up Ambrose having injured ribs and questioned how much damage he did to himself.

Back inside the ring, Ambrose performed a running clothesline, but then he ran into an elbow from Corbin. Ambrose shook it off and performed a neckbreaker for a two count. At 8:10, Ambrose went for his teetering clothesline, but Corbin blasted him with a kick. Corbin followed up with a spinning slam for a two count. Ambrose came back with his rebound Lariat.

Corbin knocked Ambrose down and yelled at him that he was leaving with the Intercontinental Championship. Corbin went for End of Days, but Ambrose avoided it and hit Dirty Deeds for the win

Dean Ambrose beat Baron Corbin in 10:55 to retain the Intercontinental Championship.

Powell's POV: A fairly flat match. The live crowd didn't seem to really connect with the match and the wrestlers didn't really give them much to get excited about. I was looking forward to this match and found it underwhelming. The match being on the pre-show is surprising. At the same time, they played to a full stadium and their match aired on USA Network, so they can't be too disappointed that it wasn't on the main card. Going into the match, I felt there was a chance that Ambrose would win at Mania only to have Corbin beat him on Smackdown. We'll see if that happens on Tuesday.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Remaining results courtesy of (direct link to Keller's real-time report).


Shane came out first. Then Styles. The bell rang. Shane was wearing a white jersey with Shane-O-Mac on the front and dollar signs on the back. Styles outwrestled Shane a little with a lockup and headlock and then a shove into the ropes. He said he's going to embarrass him. He was cocky. A Let's Go A.J.! chant started. Styles caught Shane with a snap mare and he showboated. The crowd cheered. Shane soaked it up while sitting in the corner. Otunga said Styles has to be sure his confidence doesn't turn to cockiness because that could be bad for him. JBL asked how Styles can't be cocky given that he's among the best of his generation. Shane arm dragged Styles a couple times and then did some amateur wrestling and tried to roll up Styles. Styles rolled to the floor and looked back at the ring in shock.

Styles threw the first punch to Shane's face. The announcers talked about Shane training in striking. Styles invited Shane to give it his best. Shane punched away at him and then thtumaplatrew a hard elbow in the corner. Otunga said you don't want to do stand-up with Shane. Styles threw Shane out of the ring, then slide-kicked him hard into the announce table. Shane backflipped over the table and into the chair. Back in the ring, Styles took over on Shane with a methodical beating. JBL talked about how Shane doesn't know fear or hesitation. Shane knocked Styles off balance when he was on the top rope. Shane danced around and threw more punches. He was looking sweaty and winded.

Styles flipped Shane back-first over his knee. Styles countered an attempted Shane comeback into a Calf Crusher. Shane countered into a sleeper. He maneuvered into an armbar. Then an omaplata. JBL wondered how Styles would react if he had to tapout to Shane after bragging he's put on a wrestling clinic. Styles went for a 450 springboard splash, but Shane countered into a triangle. Otunga said Styles might have to tap. Styles lifted Shane and dropped him with a one-armed Styles Clash for a near fall. they exchanged punches mid-ring a minute later. Shane got the better of Styles. He threw some knees in the corner. Styles tried to kick Shane, but Shane ducked and the ref went down. Styles landed a Pel kick. As a medic checked on the ref, Styles grabbed two trash cans from under the ring. JBL said Styles is fighting for his survival since taking Shane to a wrestling clinic wasn稚 enough. Styles put a trash can up against Shane in one corner, then climbed to the top rope in another corner and went for Shane's signature spot, but Shane leaped up and blocked Styles with a trash can. Styles went down. Shane threw the can out of the ring, but then saw the second one.

Shane then put the trash up against Styles and landed his top rope dropkick into the can. He made the cover. The ref made the count, but Styles kicked out. Shane then went to ringside and cleared an announce table. Shane set Styles on the table on his back. Shane leaped off the top rope and dove at Styles, but Styles moved and Shane crashed onto the table. The table collapsed. Medics checked on him. He clutched his ribs. Styles went after Shane. He rolled him to the ring and threw him into it. Shane went fora Phenomenal Forearm, but Shane caught him mid-air and DDT'd him. Shane then climbed to the top rope. He went for a shooting star press. Styles moved. Another A.J. Styles chant. Styles hit his Phenomenal Forearm for the win. JBL said Styles had to earn that win every step of the way.

WINNER: Styles at 20:35.

(Keller's Analysis: That was on the higher end of any reasonable expectations. They told a good story, if you buy Shane as a wrestler who can hold his own against Styles for 20 minutes. If you can't, then it was groan-inducting seeing Shane outwrestle Styles and out-strike him at various time. It was smart to do that early, since it did feel like a novelty match, and grumpy tired crowd might have been less responsive and even unforgiving of certain aspects, especially if anything went wrong or looked especially sloppy. The crowd definitely enjoyed it and didn't reject the premise. Although it cheated Styles out of a true showcase match for then ages, he'll get historic credit for carrying Shane to a match that largely got by with a story told in the ring. I was truly happy that other than the shooting star press attempt, Shane didn't leap off of anything other than the top rope.)

(2) CHRIS JERICHO vs. KEVIN OWENS U.S. Title match

Jericho took it to Owens early. They fought at a steady pace for several minutes before taking it to the floor. Jericho made a comeback against Owens. Back in the ring, Owens blocked a Code Breaker and landed a package sitout slam on Jericho for a two count. Cole acknowledged a red contusion on Owens forehead. Jericho pounded away at Owens on the top rope, then landed a huracanrana. Owens avoided a springboard Lionsault, then kicked Jericho in the face and scored a near fall. Owens went for a frog splash, but Jericho lifted his knees. Owens came back quickly and landed a top rope swanton right onto Jericho's lifted knees. Owens went for a Pop-Up Powerbomb, but Jericho avoided it and then instantly landed the springboard Lionsault for a two count. A Y2J chant started.

A minute later Owens put Jericho in the Walls of Jericho mid-ring. Cole asked how embarrassing it'd be if Jericho had to tapout. Graves said, I'd love it! Owens hit the cannonball in the corner. Jericho caught him, though, and twisted him into a Walls of Jericho. Owens reached the bottom rope. Owens came back with a Pop-up Powerbomb for a near fall. The crowd popped. They were slow to get up. When Owens went for a Pop-up, he landed the Code Breaker. Owens placed his index finger on the bottom rope to force a break. A This is awesome! chant started. Owens rolled to the floor. Jericho went after him. Owens powerbombed Jericho spine-first into the ring apron. He went for the cover and got the three count.

WINNER: Owens to capture the U.S. Title. (***)

(Keller's Analysis: For this spot on the card, this worked really well. The crowd was into the match start to finish. I liked that they didn't overdo it with near falls at the end, and sold the idea that a powerbomb on the edge of the ring apron was enough. This was a disciplined, well-executed, smart match that felt like two people fighting over a grudge, not just putting on a show.)

(3) BAYLEY vs. CHARLOTTE vs. NIA JAX vs. SASHA BANKS WWE Raw Women's Title match Elimination Rules

Bayley came out first followed by Sasha, Jax, and Charlotte. Jax caught Charlotte diving at her and shoved her into the corner. All the women went after Jax early, but she fended them off rather easily. Saxton said this is the story of her career complete total domination. Jax sit splashed Bayley in the corner. Charlotte distracted Jax, which gave Bayley an opening to roll to the floor where Banks had been for a while already. Jax then knocked Charlotte off the ring apron onto Bayley and Banks at ringside. All three women returned to the ring, and Jax told them to bring it on. They did, and they triple powerbombed her off the top rope and piled on top of her to pin her. She was eliminated, so it was down to Charlotte, Banks, and Bayley.

Charlotte offered a high-five, but Bayley and Sasha wouldn't. Charlotte bailed out to the floor and told them to fight instead. They decided to, but quickly Charlotte yanked Bayley to ringside by her foot. Banks then flip dove over the top rope, landing by mistake on Bayley. Graves said it was intentional and told Graves one day he'll figure it out. Charlotte then hit both with a corkscrew moonsault. They replayed it in sl0-mo. Graves said it was a work out of art and should be in a museum. Charlotte went for Natural Selection, but Sasha countered into a Bank Statement. Charlotte fought free and gave Sasha a back-breaker for a two count. Sasha took over with running knees in the corner. Then she dove with the knees onto Charlotte off the top rope and scored a two count. She applied a Bank Statement. Charlotte struggled to escape by standing and lifting Sasha. Sasha countered into a roll-up, but Charlotte pushed out of it and shoved Sasha into a partially exposed turnbuckle for the three count.

It came down to Bayley vs. Charlotte. Bayley avoided a moonsault, then scored a two count on Charlotte. Bayley leaped off the top rope, but Charlotte caught her and slammed her into the mat. Then she applied a figure-four and shifted into the signature Figure-Eight. Bayley grabbed the bottom rope to force a break. Charlotte hung Bayley upside down in the corner, then worked on her left knee with stomps. Bayley back body dropped Charlotte off the top rope, but was still stuck up there hanging upside down afterward. Bayley eventually shifted out of that position and leaped on Charlotte with a top rope elbow for a three count. She sold her knee afterward. She clutched the title belt on the mat as her music played. She stood up crying and held the belt high in the air. Charlotte caught her breath at ringside.

WINNER: Bayley at 12:45.

(Keller’s Analysis: Good match. I liked how they “protected” Jax by having her lose only because three others teamed against her. Then they had some good action, although it was just jam packed into 12 minutes, so not enough time to really tell a great story. But overall, definitely acceptable.)

Last edited by PixieP; 2017-04-03 12:07 AM.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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(4) KARL ANDERSON & LUKE GALLOWS vs. SHEAMUS & CESARO vs. ENZO AMORE & BIG CASS WWE Raw World Tag Team Championship match

After the three scheduled teams were announced and in the ring, New Day came out and said a fourth team has been added. The announcer assumed it'd be New Day. But instead, the Hardys music played. They came out to the biggest pop of the night so far. Cole said it's been almost 7 years since the Hardys have teamed together in WWE. Graves said everyone in the Citrus Bowl is in shock. The bell rang and the four-way brawl was on. They cleared the ring of all but Anderson and took it to him. The crowd chanted This is awesome! Jeff hit Whisper in the Wind on Sheamus and Cesaro. Delete! Delete! rang out. Then Welcome back! Matt shoved everyone who tried to enter the ring with a ladder. Gallows tipped a ladder over so Jeff fell onto the top rope. Then Gallows and Anderson rammed Matt with a ladder. Cole said the Dudleys, Hardys, and Anderson & Gallows are the only three tag teams in history to win the WWE and IWGP tag team championships.

Cesaro stepped off of the ladder onto Gallows shoulders and landed feet-first on Anderson's chest. Cass went to work with some big boots and then played to the crowd to no reaction. They brawled at ringside. Sheamus then went at it with Gallows on the ring apron. Cesaro used the swing on Anderson as Sheamus pounded Gallows chest over and over to the pace of Cesaro's revolutions. Cesaro catapulted Anderson into Sheamus, who powers lamed him. Cesaro then gave Cesaro a 619 on the ring apron. Cole said the tag team titles haven't changed hands since WM17 when Edge & Christian beat The Dudleys and the Hardy Boyz in a TLC match.

After several minutes out of the picture, the hardys got back into the mix. Jeff went for a dive off the middle rope onto a crowd at ringside, but Sheamus gave him a Brogue Kick. He landed on a crowd at ringside. A Brother Nero chant broke out. Sheamus and Gallows climbed a ladder and each grabbed at the red belts hanging above the ring. Enzo tipped the ladder over, although it took some real effort. When Enzo climbed the ladder, Cesaro and Gallows made sure that didn稚 happen. Sheamus and Gallows tumbled to the floor. Enzo was left on the ladder and reached up for the belts. Anderson raced up to stop Enzo. He knocked him down. Cesaro and Sheamus went for a Crucifix on Anderson, but Gallows intervened. Matt gave a Twist of Fate to Gallows. Anderson threw him out of the ring, then climbed a ladder. Sheamus and Cesaro were KO'ed on ladders bridged at ringside. Hardy gave Anderson a Twist of Fate off the ladder. Jeff then climbed to the top of the giant ladder at ringside. He leaped at Cesaro and Sheamus. The ladder broke under Cesaro. Matt then climbed the ladder and grabbed the belts to win. The crowd erupted as Cole declared they are seven-time champions. That has to be one of the greatest WrestleMania Moments ever, said Cole.The Brother Hardys are back!

WINNERS: Matt & Jeff Hardy to capture the WWE Raw Tag Team Championships. (***)

(Keller's Analysis: A lot of fans who knew to chant Delete! were also aware that they might be arriving today or later this week. The Hardys threw some red herrings out there to try to throw people off. The way it was done was a clever swerve in that it seemed New Day, without a match and only hosting duties, teased they had been added. So the Hardys music was, to many, a double-surprise. Well done. The Hardys did their thing and looked the part, not just a nostalgia act. The Hardys didn't take over the entire match, and all the teams had their moments. Good match, and Cole added a lot to the moment by seeming genuinely excited himself. The Hardys have a lot of ways to make money for WWE the next couple of years if they can work together that long. It could be a fun journey. If you're a Smackdown fan, pin your hopes on Shinsuke Nakamura, I suppose.)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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I knew you would come!

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Miz and Maryse came out first. They had other announce teams from around the globe introduce themselves on camera. Then Nikki and Cena came out separately. Cena sprinted to catch up to Nikki. Cena ran full speed and slid into the ring. Roker was, as expected, awful at ring announcing and also totally unselfaware of the fact. Nikki and Maryse began, but Maryse tagged out before a lock-up. Lawler said he got a kick out of the Total Bellas spoofs. Lawler said he's surprised Miz and Maryse's marriage has lasted this long because it not typical for Hollywood marriages. Lawler said people didn't expect it to last long because at their wedding they were throwing Minute Rice. Miz stomped away at Cena early and then played to the crowd. Maryse slapped Cena after Miz broke a sleeper against the ropes. Miz taunted Nikki.

Miz got a sustained beatdown on Cena. Lawler said he doesn't believe things are great between Miz and Maryse. He said it's a big front and a big show. He said he heard the other morning Miz asked for breakfast in bed and Maryse told him to go sleep in the kitchen. JBL said Miz is the modern day Gregory Peck. Lawler said the fifties want his reference back. Miz gave Cena a DDT for a near fall. Miz threw a barrage of round kicks at Cena's chest as the crowd chanted Yes! with each kick. JBL said Miz does that better than Bryan did. When Miz taunted Nikki with a You can't see me hand save, Nikki slapped Miz. Cena then knocked Miz to the floor. Cena crawled over to Nikki and gave her a hot-tag. Nikki tackled Maryse. Maryse bailed out to the ringside to regroup with Miz. Nikki dove through the ropes, but hit Miz instead of Maryse. Nikki KO'ed Maryse with a forearm. Cena then entered and gave Cena a side slam. They played to the crowd before doing the You Can't See Me routine. Then they dropped five knuckle shuffles. They scored stereo pins with a Rack Attack and Attitude Adjustment combo.

WINNERS: Cena & Bella.

(Keller's Analysis: The match itself was a virtual night off for Cena, and even more so for Nikki. It was what it needed to be, though, because it was just filler for what was coming next.)

-Cena grabbed the mic afterward and looked over at Nikki. He said, This is what you wanted over a year ago. You broke your neck and you did everything you could to come back because you wanted a WrestleMania Moment. He said how proud he is of her. He said after she went into surgery, he said there'd be a time she'd be a little loopy and she'd given him an honest answer and she wouldn't remember what she talked about. He said not a week went by when she didn't ask what happened and he promised to eventually tell her when the time was right. He said right as they were wheeling her into the E.R., she was glassy eyed. He leaned in and asked if she could hear him. She said yes. He said, Well, I have only have one question. He said, Do you know one day I'm going to marry you. And she said yes. I just need you to say yes one more time. He reached into his pocket and got on his knees and showed her the ring. His voice quivered as he said he has been waitiing so long to ask her this. Will you marry me? She nodded and said yes and hugged him. The crowd was mic'd odd during this as only some localized screeches from a girl could be heart. She put on the ring and hugged John. They exchanged some private off-mic words. Then they kissed. They went to ringside and hugged some family members.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
I knew you would come!

Every year just like the swallows coming back to Capistrono ;\)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Triple H's ring entrance this year was one of the anticipated moments of the show. He rode to the ring with Stephanie McMahon behind him on a motorcycle led by a parade of motorcycles with sirens in front of him. Clever way to avoid walking to the ring like a real man (or running like Cena did). Stephanie looked like Lita. Cole said this is Triple H's 21st match at a WrestleMania, second only to Undertaker. He said his debut was in 1996 and he'd missed just one with a torn quad at WM23. Next out came Seth. he carried a torch to the ring. I appreciate the product placement. Seth took it to Hunter at the start, overwhelming him with punches. Seth kicked Triple H into a ringpost at ringside a minute in. Cole said it's non-sanctions and pretty much anything goes. Hunter dragon screw leg whipped Seth from his good knee. Then they tumbled over the barricade to fight in the WWE Universe in Orlando. Now we know where the WWE Universe is located, apparently. Boy does that always sound stupid. Graves said Seth has been battling a 103 degree temperature the last three days. He clew at Triple H with a springboard clothesline off the ringside barrier. He eyed Stephanie, who was at ringside for Hunter. Hunter grabbed Seth's leg mid-air as Seth flew at him off the top rope. Seth hit Hunter with an enzuigiri. Hunter rolled to the floor. Seth did a running dive and tackled Hunter. He did it again. Not much crowd reaction. They're at the five hour mark since the Kickoff Show began. Half of them have been there that long. It's 75 degrees and not sunny.

Seth set up a Pedigree on an announce table. Hunter countered with a DDT. Triple H hit Seth with a chair on his bad knee. Hunter dropped a knee on the back of Seth's knee, then threw him back into the ring. Hunter settled into a leglock on the mat. Seth went for a sunset flip off the top rope. Hunter held on. Seth landed hard and clutched his knee. Graves said that's the same move that first injured his knee in Europe that caused him to miss WrestleMania 32. Seth tried to powerbomb Hunter off the top rope, but his legs gave out. Hunter stood over him and then set up a Pedigree. Seth blocked it and gave Hunter a buckle bomb. He went down clutching his knee. Seth got up and whipped Hunter into the corner and Hunter spilled over to the floor. Seth then dove off the top rope. Seth scored a two count after a Falcon's Arrow.

Hunter made a comeback and methodically beat down Seth and worked over his knee. He put Seth in a figure-four at ringside. When Seth escaped, Hunter produced a sledge hammer. When he entered the ring, Seth punched Hunter until he dropped it. Hunter gave Seth a knee to the face and a clothesline. Seth did a 360 bump. Stephanie yelled to Hunter, Twist his knee off. A Let's go Rollins! chant started. Hunter grabbed the sledgehammer. Seth hit Hunter with an enzuigiri. Seth then picked up the sledgehammer. Steph yanked it away. Hunter then surprised Seth a Pedigree for a believable near fall. Hunter set up a top rope Pedigree, but Seth backdropped out of it. He then climbed to the top rope and hit a Phoenix Splash for a near fall. Cole said that's something you'd see on 205 Live. Saxton put over how gutsy Seth has been. Hunter went for another Pedigree, but Rollins escaped and set up a Pedigree. Hunter backdropped out of it. Seth landed hard and sold knee pain again. Hunter then set up a Pedigree, but Rollins countered with is own attempt. Hunter gave Seth a forearm to the knee. Steph stood on the ring apron and held Seth by his throat. Seth moved and Hunter almost hit Steph. Seth then shoved Hunter into Steph, who went crashing off the ring through a table below. Seth then gave Hunter a Pedigree for the win. Cole called him a King Slayer! Graves said Hunter's kingdom is burning and Seth holds the torch.

WINNER: Seth Rollins at 25:50. (***1/2)

(Keller's Analysis: Okay, if that was there main event of a three hour PPV, that'd be a fitting main event. For an event where half the fans have been there for five hours already, and just about everyone for over four, with a live music performance and four more matches to do, that was excessive. Just get to the point faster given the situation, especially since poor Seth was suffering from a 103 degree fever the last three days. In any case, there was a lot good in that battle. The finishing sequence is intriguing. Does plant a seed of a storyline divide with Steph and Hunter since her attempt to interfere cost him the match? Or was that just an out for Hunter to lose as he showed concern for his wife's well-being? They told the story of working over Seth's knee. It got repetitive that Seth would do a big move, sell his knee in pain, do a big move, sell his knee in pain. Yet he kept getting up to do another big move. The crowd was into at the end, but live reports indicate they were dead for a lot of the body of the match. Cut this down by ten minutes and it's a better match and better for the show.)

Last edited by PixieP; 2017-04-03 1:46 AM.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
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(7) BRAY WYATT vs. RANDY ORTON WWE Championship match

Bray came out first. Then Orton. The walk to the ring was so long, they seemed to play Orton's song on a loop three times. The bell rang to start this 32 minutes into the fourth hour of the show, not counting the two hour Kickoff Show. So over five-and-a-half hours deep since the Kickoff Show started. Randy went for an early RKO out of nowhere. Bray leaped to ringside. Orton went right after him. They exchanged strikes at ringside. Orton threw Bray into the ring. Bray caught him with a forearm and then a running headbutt to the chest. Bray bent over backwards. The camera showed the action from overhead. They projected maggots on the ring surface. The crowd got all grossed out and let out a collective Ewwww! JBL said he's never seen anything like that in his life. Otunga said Bray's been different since Orton burned down 鍍he place that houses Sister Abigail's ashes. They won't say compound or shed or anything. It's just that place. Bray methodically beat up Orton. He bent over backwards again and the ring filled with earthworms crawling through dirt. Orton acted creeped out again. Bray pounded on the back of Orton's head with elbows, then yelled out, I am a god! He hit a senton for a two count.

JBL said Orton was as fired up on his way to the ring as he has ever seen him, but the images of the worms and the psychological warfare has taken him out of it completely. JBL said the place is in shock, noting the silence in the stadium. Orton rolled out of the ring and took a breather. Bray rolled out the other side and jogged at him with a running clothesline. Orton gave him an RKO out of nowhere at ringside. Back in the ring and waited for Bray to stand, and he went for the running punt. Bray avoided it and went for Sister Abigail. Orton blocked it and landed a DDT off the second rope. Orton pounded the mat and then charged at Bray, but Bray gave him Sister Abigail. Orton kicked out. Just silence afterward. Now we had a ring full of some sort of bugs. Randy didn't seem to notice, which made it even sillier. Bray pounded on Orton methodically with forearms, but Orton hit an RKO out of nowhere for the pin. They cut to a shocked fan. Or else he's frozen in fear from those creepy bugs.

WINNER: Orton to capture the WWE Championship at 10:30. (**1/2)

(Keller's Analysis: I don't know what to say. The match was what I expected, but worms and bugs were an added bonus? It works in the sense that this whole feud has been about nonsense spookiness, so why get serious now? When someone at WWE HQ said, Wouldn't it be neat if... that person should have been shot down immediately and moved to new division.)

(8) GOLDBERG vs. BROCK LESNAR (w/Paul Heyman) WWE Universal Title match

Lesnar ran the ropes after he arrived in the ring and his music stopped. Then Goldberg's music played. The crowd seemed fatigued. A weak Goldberg chant fizzled quickly. Someone knocked on his door, and Goldberg came out of his locker room. He walked too the ring with the belt around his waist. He looks the part. More gray in the beard, but he looks badass. He walked the whole way to the ring. They should have had the champ come out first in this match, of all matches, so Goldberg could rest up a bit. Heyman insisted on introducing Brock, yanking the mic from JoJo. When Jo Jo got to Goldberg, the crowd booed with whatever little energy they had left. Lesnar sidestepped a spear and gave Goldberg a German Suplex. And two more. Goldberg popped up and speared Lesnar into the bottom rope. Lesnar staggered to his feet and ate another spear. Lesnar rolled out of the ring. Goldberg snuck around the ring and went for a third spear. He speared Lesnar into the time keeper's area through the barricade. Both were slow to get up. Goldberg was selling convincingly. Back in the ring, Goldberg signaled for a Jackhammer. Lesnar countered into an F5 attempt. Goldberg escaped and hit a spear again. Lesnar struggled to stand. Goldberg seemed to be handling the cardio well so far. He set up a Jackhammer and landed it. Lesnar kicked out. Goldberg looked down at him in shock. Heyman pounded the mat as the crowd woke up and cheered. Goldberg waited for Lesnar to stand and set up a spear. He charged, but Lesnar leapfrogged him. Goldberg's head might have caught Lesnar's knee. Lesnar then took Goldberg back to Suplex City. Sexaton said he's trying to make Goldberg a permanent member. After five more, Lesnar staggered to his feet and delivered a ninth overall. The crowd chanted for Tye Dillinger. Lesnar delivered. Then he gave Goldberg an F5. Cole said Lesnar has finally exorcised his demons.

WINNER: Lesnar to capture the WWE Universal Championship. (**)

(Keller's Analysis: That was a best case scenario for this match. Goldberg pulled off the moves well. Neither was asked to do anything they weren't able to do or that the fans weren't in seeing. It delivered Suplex City and some teases of finishers, a bit spot at ringside, and then more of the same in the ring leading to the logical finish. Had Goldberg not been so vocal about regrouping and reassessing after WM, the outcome might have been a bigger mystery.)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
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(9) ALEXA BLISS vs. NAOMI vs. MICKEI JAMES vs. BECKY LYNCH vs. NATALYA vs. CARMELLA (w/James Ellsworth) WWE Smackdown Women's Title match

Alexa came out first. Naomi made a grand entrance with the whole arena staging going neon. After some early chaos, it came down to Bliss vs. Carmella. Alexa yelled a lot. Natalya re-entered and charged at her. Bliss gave Natalya a DDT and made the cover. Carmella broke it up. When Ellsworth got involved, Becky suplexed him out of the ring. Natalya went at Lynch. Naomi kicked Becky in the chest and setoff ora sunset flip, which turned into a powerbomb and a two count. Natalya went for a sharpshooter on Naomi, but Carmella interfered. Natalya went for a double sharpshooter on both Naomi and Carmella. Mickie scored a near fall on Becky a minute later, Carmella broke it up. Naomi then hit the Rear View on Bliss, then landed a dive onto a crowd at ringside. Naomi threw Bliss into the ring, then springboarded at her. Bliss just nailed her with a strike to the face out of mid-air. Naomi applied a submission hold mid-ring and Bliss tapped out.

WINNER: Naomi to capture the WWE Smackdown Women's Championship.

-Jim Ross walked to the ring to his music to announce this match as a special guest announcer. He hugged Cole and shook JBL’s hand. JBL said, “It’s so good to see you.” Cole said it’s an absolute treat. He said it’s been a rough couple of weeks for him, but he wants him to do what he does best. “Let’s raise some hell and have some fun,” said Ross.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Ross noted that it was a No Holds Barred match and would not be for the faint of heart. Taker jumped out to the quick start and tossed Reigns to ringside. You're in my yard, Taker said while looking down at Reigns. Roman walked around the ring and climbed on the apron. Taker met him, and Reigns clotheslined him over the top rope. Reigns threw punches at Taker, then clotheslined him over the top rope, but Taker landed on his feet.

Taker pulled Reigns to ringside and ran Reigns into the ring steps. A Roman sucks chant started and faded quickly. Cole noted that this was the first ever one-on-one match between the two. He said their only in-ring confrontation occurred when Reigns eliminated Taker from the Royal Rumble match. They fought at ringside again. Taker headbutted Reigns and picked him up on his shoulder, but Reigns slipped off and shoved Taker into the ring post and then delivered a Drive By, which Ross called a toxic kick.

Back inside the ring, Taker and Reigns traded punches. JBL said Reigns appeared to be relishing the moment. Taker no-sold a Reigns kick and then punched him. Taker connected with a running clothesline in the corner and then followed up with Snake Eyes, a big boot, and a leg drop for a two count. Taker signaled for the chokeslam, but Reigns rolled to ringside.

Taker followed. Reigns went for another Drive By, but Taker caught him with a punch. Taker cleared off the Ross broadcast table and JBL jokingly welcomed Ross back. A short time later, Taker chokeslammed Reigns onto the German broadcast table, but it didn't break.

Taker tore apart the Spanish broadcast table. Taker stood on the table as Reigns crawled onto the Ross table. Taker made the throat slashing gesture only to have Reigns spear him through the table. Cool spot. Ross noted that the referee has the authority to stop the match if Taker can稚 defend himself. Reigns entered the ring and the fans booed. Taker suddenly sat up in his typical style at ringside. When Taker tried to enter the ring, Reigns greeted him with knees and kicks.

Reigns threw clotheslines at Taker in the corner. Reigns stood over Taker on the ropes and punched him, then told him that it's his yard. Taker responded with a Last Ride for a two count. Taker went to ringside and grabbed a chair. He slid it inside the ring and Reigns grabbed it, but Taker blasted him with a kick to the head. Taker slammed the chair over the back of Reigns. Roman rolled to ringside. The fans booed. The broadcast team said it was sound strategy.

Back inside the ring, Reigns hit Taker with two Superman punches. He went for a third, but Taker grabbed him by the throat and chokeslammed him onto a chair for a two count. JBL said it seemed like it was just a matter of time before Taker put Reigns away. Taker scooped up Reigns and put him down with a Tombstone piledriver. Taker covered Reigns with his arms over his chest and stuck his tongue out. Reigns kicked out. Taker sold it with a look of surprise.

Taker went for another Tombstone at 14:50. They tried to do the reversal spot and failed twice (Adam Cole feels a lot better right now as he had the same issue in his match with Marty Scurll last night). Reigns punched Taker and got a two count. Reigns backed into the corner, let out the war cry, and spared Taker at 16:00. Taker reached up and applied the Hell's Gate submission hold. Reigns reached the rope with his foot while Ross pointed out that the submission had to happen in the ring.

Reigns ended up taking the chair and worked over Taker with it. Taker used the ropes to pull himself up as the fans chanted his name. Reigns waited in the corner and speared Taker once he was on his feet and covered him for a good near fall that the fans reacted to. Cole said Reigns is beginning to understand why Taker is the phenom. Ross said that's the heart of Taker, JBL said it's the soul.

Taker pulled himself up again. Reigns jawed at him from the corner and looked upset. Roman Reigns is going to have to put the phenom down, JBL said. Reigns let out a war cry and spared Taker again for another two count. The fans roared and chanted Yes! when Taker kicked out at 20:20. A loud Undertaker chant followed while Reigns showed frustration over not being able to put Taker away.

Reigns went to the corner again and this time hit Taker with a Superman Punch. Reigns looked down at Taker and shook his head. Taker sat up, but then fell over. He tried to sit up, but his body would not allow it, Ross said. JBL questioned whether Taker's body was quitting on him, then said he wasn't counting him out.

Reigns continued to talk at Taker and swatted his hand away when he tried to use him to stand up. Taker said something to Reigns about not having the balls. Reigns threw punches at Taker, then ran the ropes repeatedly, speared Taker, and pinned him clean.

Roman Reigns pinned Undertaker in 23:00.

Reigns left the ring without a major celebration. He stopped halfway up the stage and looked back at the ring, then raised his hands and pyro shot off on the stage and all around the stadium. The broadcast team said Reigns is the big dog and it is his yard.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Another year...another crap WrestleMania.

See you next year...maybe.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Another year, another Arcademan/PixieP sighting.

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