See the cited examples above, M E M.
That's far from a complete list of Democrat anti-Americanism examples.

Senator Dick Durbin (D-MI) compared U.S. soldiers in Iraq to "Nazi storm troopers, Soviet Gulags and the Pol Pot regime". Despite that it was videotaped, instead of apologizing he claimed he was "misquoted" and on PBS News Hour a week after in 2004 denied he had ever said it.

Senator Kamala Harris earlier this year in Senate hearings with an ICE official tried to get him to agree with her that ICE is seen "by certain communities" as just like the Ku Klux Klan.

Your entire party condemned President Trump's planned July 4th celebration to honor our military, giving the military an increased visible appreciation for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom as a "stunt", and as "politicizing" the July 4th celebration.

Democrats polled overwhelmingly do not feel proud to be American, or that the U.S. is an exceptional nation.

Democrats overwhelmingly don't support the pledge of allegience. Only 34% think it is "important". Many Democrats see themselves as world citizens with a loyalty to globalism over the United States.

Democrats seem to have exceptionally low respect for our military and for police. And consistently want to slash our military and undermine our national defense and sovereignty. Breitbart says Demcorats join Republicans in supporting our military, but as I cited above, and from comments of groups like CodePink and Moveon.Org, I frankly don't see that Democrats do.
You may feel patriotism, but multiple polls of those in your party, as well as a multitude of public comments by Democrat leaders, show that Democrats as a whole do not.