Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I think you have used the word nazi on democrats recently and in the past.

Can you be more specific?

I've made the point that large swaths of the Democrat/Left want to suppress any free speech they don't like as "hate speech". That is like the Nazis. Democrats want to silence their political opposition, rather than engage in debate where their Leftist ideas lose.

Democrats have violently attacked over 600 Trump supporters nationwide, for things as simple as wearing a Trump-MAGA hat. A clear attempt, like the Nazis, to intimidate into silence their political opposition.

Democrats have weaponized the agencies of government, such as IRS (Lois Lerner), FBI, DOJ, OSHA, ATF, EPA and others to attack Republican grassroots organizers and financial donors, to intimidate them away from Republican political activity and support, and intimidate others by making them an example. THAT is like the Nazis.

After an Antifa activist fired an automatic weapon and fire-bombed an ICE detention facility in Tacoma, Washington a few days ago, and was shot and killed by police, trying to terrorize government officials away from enforcing immigration law, no one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE in the Democrat party will condemn Antifa or the actions of this Antifa sack of shit. Or condemn the broader ongoing attacks nationwide by Antifa. Because they, the Democrat party, are aligned with Antifa. And Antifa's violence and intimidation, nationwide, advances Democrat liberal-progressive goals. THAT is like the nazis.

Feel free, M E M, to express where you disagree with or condemn any of these Nazi-like violence and intimdation activities by your own party. Not just maniacs like Ocasio-Cortez or Rashida Tlaib, but NO ONE, even in the innermost center of your Democrat party, steps forward to condemn them.

Because the core of the Democrat leadership endorses these things as a way to advance their goals. Democrats have officially become the Bolshevik party.